2 关于during which的选择题

They stayed with me three weeks, ____they drank all the beer I had.
A. for which                          B. which time
C. during which time             D. during which

在答疑网的一篇文章中吴克辉老师讲解C和D区别时,认为c和d都是对的。D侧重于修饰主句中的表示时间、过程的词或词组,which指代three weeks, 而c侧重于修饰整个句子。C和D意思略有差别,那差别是什么?或者说during which与during which time在某种时候是否可以互换?例如:

She kept her vow for a week, during which/during which time she was unusually cross and fretful. 

而后来重庆对这一知识点考察时,则避免出现during which这个选项,应该也是从侧面认可这种说法。

Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003, ____he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students’Union.
A. during which time                 B. for which time
C. during whose time                 D. by that time


during then= during the time that they stayed with me= during when,如何转换出来的= during which time呢?


and during the time of three weeks = during which。

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最佳答案 2019-06-30 22:09

Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003, ____he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students’Union.
A. during which time                 B. for which time
C. during whose time                 D. by that time


Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003, and during that time he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students’Union.

that为指示限定词,that time= the time he was a student at this university.

这个并列句改为主从复合句时,去掉并列连词and, 再用关系限定词which取代指示限定词that,则得到原句。

所以,非限制性定语从句并不是修饰from 1999 to 2003, 而是修饰主句的主系表结构。


He stood by the window, from which place he could see the mountains on the horizon.

He stood by the window, and from that place he could see the mountains on the horizon.

that为指示限定词,that place = the place he stood.


He stood by the window, from where he could see the mountains on the horizon.

He stood by the window, and from there he could see the mountains on the horizon.


They stayed with me three weeks, ____they drank all the beer I had.
A. for which                          B. which time
C. during which time             D. during which


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