help to do sth 与 help&#16

2011 年的湖南高考英语的 Part IV 中有这样一句话:
Some can
help studying for tests, explaining a lesson, and doing homework.
请问这里为什么用 help doing sth 呢?为什么不用 help to do sth 句式呢?

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最佳答案 2014-12-25 16:49

看来这还真是个“问题”。关于 help sb doing sth 这一结构,刘青沅老师列举了多本词典说明不能这样用,细心的张老师找出了我在英语语法网以及其他网站的文章,我曾说过这个结构是可以用的,我给出的例句是:

He helped her carrying her shopping home. 他帮她把买的东西提回家。 

其实这个句子是有出处的,它来自商务印书馆国际有限公司出版的《张道真英语用法》第669页。读者也可能会怀疑,这个句子虽然出自张道真教授之书,但会不会是张道真教授弄错了,张道真教授虽然是著名的语法学家,但他毕竟是中国人,写英语句子也有可能会出错。于是我又查了张道真教授编著的《现代英语用法词典》(修订版),由于上面这个句子我在是《张道真英语用法》的 shopping 词条查到的,所以我就到《现代英语用法词典》的 shopping 词条去找,结果在该书的第1376页也查到了这个例句:

He helped her carrying her shopping home. (Chambers)

根据该书“引用文献”的说明,例句后面的 Chambers 指的是 Chambers Universal Learners’ Dictionary by E. M. Kirkpatrick。可见张道真教授的这个句子是引自一本原版词典。

由此看来,help sb doing sth 这个结构也是可用的,但同时也说明它是有争议的。

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其它 4 个回答

沅老师   - 英语教师


《英语常见语法错误大曝光》(Nigel D. Turton)

误:Two people stopped and helped mechanging the wheel.

正:Two people stopped and helped mechange the wheel.

正:Two people stopped and helped meto change the wheel.

我们用 help (someone) do to do something (不是doing)。

误:We were helped carry the pianoupstairs by one of our neighbours.

正:We were helped to carry the pianoupstairs by one of our neighbours.

比较:One of our neighours helped uscarry / to carry the piano upstairs.


误:“Can I help you looking after theanimals?” he asked her.

正:“Can I help you (to) look afterthe animals?” he asked her.


误:Regular exercise will helpimproving your health.

误:Regular exercise will help youimproving your health.

正:Regular exercise will help toimprove your health.

正:Regular exercise will help improveyour health.(原来是美国用法)

正:Regular exercise will help you toimprove your health.

正:Regular exercise will help youimprove your health.(原来是美国用法)

正:Regular exercise will help you inimproving your health.

结论:2011 年的湖南高考英语的 Part IV 中的以下句子是值得商榷的:

Some can help studying for tests, explaining a lesson, and doinghomework.

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help sb. in doing sth. 的用法肯定是对的。又如:

Your words have helped us a great deal in understanding your people. 你的话大大有助于我们了解贵国的人民。(张道真《英语常用动词用法词典》)

▲至于能否用 help sb. doing sth. 暂缺乏权威例句。

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感谢陈根花老师百忙中解析这个问题。值此机会衷心祝愿陈老师,管理员老师及答疑网的所有老师及网友圣诞快乐!关于这个问题我想引用已故英国利兹大学教授,《牛津高阶》前主编霍恩比先生的一句话供大家参考:对于英语学习者来说,在拿不准 help 后是否用 to 时,带上 to  总是不会错的

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  • 马正修   提出于 2014-12-05 18:08
