A is more than B补全形式应该是怎么样的

The beauty of the seashore is more than one can describe.


1.A is more than B如果将句子补全是不是应该是:A is more than B is?

2.如果将上述例句补全是不是就应该写成:The beauty of the seashore is more than The beauty of the seashore that one can describe is

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最佳答案 2019-03-31 21:03

如果你没有强迫症,你就应该满足于理解这个句子中 is more than等于exceeds what, 即:

The beauty of the seashore is more than one can describe.

= The beauty of the seashore exceeds what one can describe.

= The beauty of the seashore exceeds that which one can describe.

在意义上,该句等于 The seashore is too beautiful to describe.

但对于患有强迫症的你,语法的解释是,more在主句作表语,than引导比较分句。如果我们认为than是从属连词不作成分,那么比较分句就必须空缺more的对应项,而more的对应项恰好是及物动词describe的宾语,必须省略。所以than one can describe已经是语法上最完整的了,不可再添加任何词。(如果我们认为than是比较代词,替代比较项,那么than不但引导比较分句,同时还在分句中作了及物动词describe的宾语,从句结构完整,不缺任何成分,所以分句是结构完整的。不能再画蛇添足。二种分析的结果是一致的,即这个分句不可再添加任何词。)


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类似 "I love you more than I can say"

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  • woyaowenwenti 提出于 2019-03-31 12:59
