
我知道,poem是可数名词,意思是“(一首)诗”;poetry是不可数名词,指“诗”的总称。如:It’s a quotation from a poem by Keats. 这句话出自济慈的一首诗。(可数,指一首诗)I have now developed an appreciation of poetry. 我现在会欣赏诗歌了。(指诗的总称)能请各位大师帮我想出几个类似的词来吗?就是类似poem与poetry这样的,意思大致相同,但一个可数,一个不可数(指总称)。谢谢!顺便特别感谢一下刘永科老师对我刚才几个问题及时且高水平的解答!建议网站开通一个小空白处,让提问者对解答老师的感谢!小小建议,希望得到重视!

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最佳答案 2014-02-19 23:12

1. machine – machinery
I’ve always been hopeless with machinery. 我对机械一直是一窍不通。
These machines are in the higher price bracket. 这些机器属于价钱比较高的一档。
2. poem – poetry
I used to write poetry when I was your age. 我像你这么大时常常写诗。
He prepared some poems to be recited at the English Evening. 他准备了几首将在英语晚会上朗诵的诗。
3. jewel – jewelry
Some of her jewellery was missing. 她的一些首饰丢失了。
She appeared at the reception wearing her finest jewels. 她出现在招待会戴着最漂亮的首饰。
4. scene – scenery
The scenery was beautiful beyond description.  风景美得无法描述。
Don’t let the children see such horrifying scenes. 不要让孩子们看到这样恐怖的景象。

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  • 江飞鱼   提出于 2014-02-19 21:20
