
Older adults, whose memories were already declining, saw an especially significant improvement.


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最佳答案 2019-02-19 11:14

网友想把一个定语从句,变成状语从句。在句意上是可以的,但memories 之前缺少了定语,应加上their才可以: although thier memories...



A light beam that consists of light of all wave lengths gives a continuous spectrum. 光束如果包含了各种波长的光就会呈现出连续光谱。

有网友问:我不太明白,译文中的“如果”是怎么来的?原文中并无 if 之类的词,请专家指教,谢谢!

这是一个非常有趣的问题。定语从句的翻译要灵活,不能一字对应一字地翻译。我们要发现从句和主句之间的各种关系,并充分考虑汉语的表达习惯,做到使译文通顺流畅。尽管句中没有 if,但我们翻译成中文时,考虑到定语从句表达了条件句的意义,所以,按照条件状语从句翻译。又如:

How can anyone hope to be a qualified teacher, who doesn't know what the students are thinking and demanding? 一个人如果不知道他的学生在想什么,需要什么,怎么能指望自己成为一个合格的教师呢?



1. 定语从句的形式,条件状语从句的意义

The same thing, which happened twenty years ago, would lead to disaster. (=The same thing would lead to disaster if it happened twenty years ago.)  同样一件事情,如果发生在20年前,将会导致灾难。

2. 定语从句的形式,原因状语从句的意义

He is a kind man, who is always ready to help others. (=He is a kind man because he is always ready to help others.)  他是一个好人,因为他总是乐于助人。

3. 定语从句的形式,让步状语从句的意义

Smith insisted on building another house which he had no use for. (=Smith insisted on building another house though he had no use for it.)  史密斯坚持再盖一幢房子,尽管他无此需要。

4. 定语从句的形式,目的状语从句的意义

He wishes to write an article that will attract public attention to the matter. (=He wishes to write an article so that it will attract public attention to the matter.)  他想写篇文章,以便引起公众对此事的关注。

5. 定语从句的形式,结果状语从句的意义

My car broke down halfway, which caused me to come late. (=My car broke down halfway so that it caused me to come late.) 我的车在半路上出了故障,结果使我来晚了。

6. 定语从句的形式,时间状语从句的意义

I saw Mr. Wang who was wandering on the street. (=I saw Mr. Wang when he was wandering on the street.)  王先生在街上散步的时候,我见到了他。


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  • Steven_wzq 提出于 2019-02-17 20:52
