翻译: America's first man of letters

Washington Irving was America's first man of letters to be known internationally.

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最佳答案 2018-10-07 13:53

Washington Irving was America's first man of letters to be known internationally.



Washington Irving published graceful sketches and stories.  



(1)letters  n.文学(作品)

(2)a man of letters  n.  学者,作家; 骚人墨客

He was known as a man of letters.  


Lu Xun might be called a soldier rather than a man of letters.  


He was a man of letters with no interest in current affairs.  


He is a man of letters.  


As a man of letters, Fraser tends to emphasise rhetoric at the expense of reality.  

作为一个文人, 弗雷泽往往为了讲究修辞而舍弃真实性.

Mr Miller gave up his career as a doctor to become a man of letters.  


Tao Yuanming was a man of letters and refined scholar in ancient times.  


He is qualified as a complete man of letters.  


Doctor Hill is a noted wit , physician, and man of letters.  

希尔医生是个著名的才子, 内科医生和学者.

In Ming dynasty, Bashuidong was a tourism resort man of letters come of it.  

明代, 白水洞就是湘中的旅游胜地,文人墨客纷来沓至,多有赞咏.

Li Zhi was a well - Known thinker, educator and man of letters in the Later Qing Dynasty. 

摘要李贽是明代后期名震朝野的异端思想家 、 著名文学家和教育家.

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其它 2 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

Washington Irving was America's first man of letters to be known internationally.


a man of letters : 学者,作家;文人。


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千千学堂   - 英语图书编辑

letters(注意用复数)意思是“文学(作品)”,a man of letters 意思是“文学家”“有文学修养的人”等。如:

Chekhov was not only a practicing physician but also a first-rate man of letters.  契诃夫不仅是一位开业的医生,还是一位第一流的作家。

Myfriend is not only a man of letters, he is also in excellent taste for arts.  我的朋友不但是一个文学家,他对艺术的欣赏力也极佳。

如果是针对女性,则用 a woman of letters。如:

She is a woman of letters, her works have been translated into many languages.  她是一位女作家,她的作品已经被译成多种语言。

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