not only...but also与not well

She is not only a student, but a dancer as well.

She is not only a student, but also a dancer.

还有 not only... but also 就含义上等于 not well, 对吗?


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最佳答案 2014-10-21 14:13

你说的这两句的意思是一样的,而且第一句中的 as well 和第二句中的 also 都可省略。not only…but also… 可能是大家最熟悉的形式,但在实际运用中也可能有其他一些特殊形式或变体:
1. but also 分开用
有时可将 but also 分开用,即将 but 视为普通的并列连词,用于连接两个句子,然后将 also 用于句中(与谓语动词用在一起)。如:
He’s not only very fast, but he’s also got marvellous technique. 他不仅很快,而且技术高超。
He condemned not only the aristocracy, but the capitalists also. 他不仅谴责贵族,还谴责资本家。
2. not only 的变体
有时也可将 not only 改成 not just, not merely, not enough 等。如:
For a teacher to hit a child is not just morally wrong but also illegal. 对一个老师来说,打孩子不仅是不道德的,而且是违法的。
His experience spanned not merely politics, but also business and journalism. 他的经历不仅包括从过政,而且还经过商,从事过新闻工作。
3. but also的变体
该结构在实际运用中有时也可说成 not only…but…too (as well),即将其中的 also 改为 too或 as well,但此时的 too 或 as well 通常应置于句末。如:
He not only washed the car, but polished it as well. 他不仅冲洗汽车,而且还擦拭了它。
Not only was Mr. Smith crazy, but Miss Mary was crazy, too. 不仅史密斯先生疯了,玛丽小姐也疯了。
4. 缺省also
not only…but also…的意思是“不但……而且……”,其中的 also 有时可以省略。如:
His name is known not only in Japan, but in China. 他不仅在日本出名,而且在中国也出名。
5. 缺省but
She not only sings; she also plays the piano. 她不但会唱歌,而且会弹钢琴。
Not only has she been late three times; she has also done no work. 她不仅仅迟到了3次;她还没干一点活。
6. 缺省but also
She not only sings; she also plays the piano. 她不但会唱歌,而且会弹钢琴。
Not only did I hear the car, I actually saw it crash. 我不仅听到了汽车的声音,而且还看见那辆车撞坏了。
7. 缺省not only
A reporter must first be a teacher but must also view his function as that of a diagnostician. 记者必须首先是教员,同时也必须把自己视为一个诊断师。
John was most famous for his poetry, but he was also a schoolteacher, a literary critic, and a musician. 汤姆最著名的是他的诗,但他同时也是教师、文学评论家和音乐家。

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  • 杨晓北 提出于 2014-10-21 12:45
