
We were in ______ when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.
A. a rush so anxious            B. a such anxious rush
C. so an anxious rush         D. such an anxious rush
请老师讲讲这个句子怎么选出的A,而 B、C、D 又有什么错,以及这句话到底什么意思,我根本看不懂。

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最佳答案 2014-10-19 11:49

▲句中的 in a rush与 in a hurry 用法相似,表示因事多而忙乱。如:
I’m in a dreadful rush so I can't stop. 我忙得不可开交。
I’ve been in a mad rush all day. 我一整天都忙得不可开交。
She left in such a rush that she forgot her purse. 她仓促离开,结果忘了带钱包。
▲在 We were in such an anxious rush when we left that we forgot the airline tickets 中,when we left 是时间状语从句,that we forgot the airline tickets 是结果状语从句。所涉及的基本句式为 such…that…。句子大意为:我们急急忙忙地离开,结果把机票给忘了。
▲若选A,从表面上看好像可以,因为可以理解为 so anxious 为后置定语,修饰 rush,这样一来,so…that…为本句的基本句式。但这样的分析有一处不妥:因为照此理解,在 We were in a rush so anxious…中,so anxious 是后置定语,若转化为定语从句则为:We were in a rush which was so anxious…,但 anxious 是个比较特殊的形容词,当它用于说明人的感觉或心情时,它既可用作表语也可用作定语;但它不是用于说明人的感觉或心情时,它是个定语形容词,即只能用于名词前作定语,不能用作表语,同时也不能用于名词后作定语(因为用于名词后作定语,在本质上相当于表语)。所以此处选A不对。
▲至于 B 和 C 很容易排除,因为词序不对,从词序上看,B、C 应改为:
B. such an anxious rush (类例:He is such a good boy that we all like him.)
C. so anxious a rush (类例:He is so good a boy that we all like him.)

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  • 杨晓北 提出于 2014-10-18 23:01
