
1. His absence from the graduation ceremony was the greatest regret of his life.   2.  His no attdnding the graduation ceremony was the greatest regret of his life.

以上两句,区别,就在于,主语,第1句,主语用了absence from这个短语,如果我一下子想不起来这个短语了,我可不可以用attend的动名词形式?也就是说his absence=his no attending,它们之间是不是等同的?可不可以这样互换?互换时,需要注意什么?
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最佳答案 2018-07-03 16:26


这个句子的关键地方,是对主语的翻译。“缺席毕业典礼”就是“未能参加毕业典礼”。“他一生中” 用in his (whole) life。可以有如下几种翻译:

His absence from the graduation ceremony was the greatest regret in his life.

(使用名词 His absence)

His failure to attend the graduation ceremony was the greatest regret in his life.

(使用名词加不定式 His failure to attend)

His not attending the graduation ceremony was the greatest regret in his life.

(使用动名词的复合结构,注意表达:one’s doing... 或one’s not doing...,不是one's no doing...)


It was the greatest regret in his life that he had been absent from the graduation ceremony.

It was the greatest regret in his life that he had not attended the graduation ceremony.


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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)


    1. It was the greatest regret in his life that he didn't attend the graduation ceremony.

    2. It was the greatest regret in his life that he hadn't been present at the graduation ceremony.

    3. It was the greatest regret in his life that he hadn't taken part in the graduation ceremony.

    【说明】根据《牛津英语搭配词典》第2版,“毕业典礼”可以说 degree ceremony 或者 graduation ceremony ; “参加典礼”、“出席典礼” 可以说 attend the ceremony 或者 be present at the ceremony 或者 take part in the ceremony 。

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