“白雪”是snow white还是white snow

白雪”是 snow white 还是 white snow?应该是 white snow 吧!但是:
Snow White and the Seven Dwarf 白雪公主和7个小矮人
这里为什么用了 snow white 呢?

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最佳答案 2015-04-04 11:00

没错,表示“白雪,英语应该是 white snow。如:

the sparkle of white snow in the sun 洁白的雪在阳光下闪光

The mountains were capped with snow. 白雪覆盖着群山。

但为什么 Snow White and the Seven Dwarf(白雪公主和7个小矮人)又是用的 Snow White 呢?大家知道,Snow White and the Seven Dwarf 是一个童话故事的名字,故事讲的是在遥远的一个国度里,住着一个国王和王后,他们渴望有一个孩子。于是很诚意的向上苍祈祷上帝啊我们都是好国王好王后,请您赐给我们一个孩子吧!”久以后,王后果然生下了一个可爱的小公主,这个女孩的皮肤白得像雪一般,双颊红得有如苹果,国王和王后就把她取名为 Snow White。也就是说 Snow White 是这位公主的名字,严格说来,应该翻译斯诺·怀特,但人们根据故事的内容以及人们对这位公主的美好祝愿,将它翻译成白雪公主。这里的 Snow White 其实指的就是 as white as snow(像雪一样白),况且英语也有个复合形容词就是 snow-white(雪白的,纯白的)。如:

She was wearing a snow-white ski jacket with blue trim. 她穿了件带蓝边的雪白色滑雪衫。

 参考:关于 Snow White 这个人物,英文版的《朗文当代英语辞典》有这样一段解释:the main character in a fairy tale called Snow White, who is a beautiful princess who has a jealous stepmother. The stepmother sends Snow White into the forest to be killed. Snow White does not die, but goes to live with seven dwarfs (=imaginary creatures like very small men). Her stepmother then tries to kill her with a poisoned apple, but instead of dying she goes to sleep until a prince kisse sher and wakes her. There is a famous Walt Disney cartoon film based on the story, made in the 1930s.

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