get sb out of the sun的意思

One businessman has told the story of a delivery of 10,000 bottles of sterile penicillin at the airport of a Far Eastern country. ②It was apparently customary to pay customs officials about $ 250 upon arrival of each shipment to " get them out of the sun "

get sb out of the sun是不找某人麻烦的意思,这句的them是指海关人员还是指青霉素?

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最佳答案 2018-06-27 13:10

One businessman has told the story of a delivery of 10,000 bottles of sterile penicillin at the airport of a Far Eastern country. It was apparently customary to pay customs officials about $ 250 upon arrival of each shipment to "get them out of the sun".


1. 我觉得,网友的问题重点,应该放在"get them out of the sun"上。就是说,这个短语究竟是什么意思?

2. 你可能看到书上“为了让海关官员不找麻烦”,就深信不疑了,为什么不去认真考察一下这个表达的含义呢?

3. 首先,这个表达不是什么固定习语。照字面翻译就是:“让这些药品避光;让它们免受阳光暴晒”。out of 意为“远离;避开”,the sun 等于the sunlight。至于这句话的真正含义,是不是“比喻”,只有说话人自己心里明白。

4. 对于读者而言,只有结合上下文去考量了。如果翻译成“为了让海关官员不找麻烦”,确实过于意译了。既然带了引号,这里面必有含义,留给读者自己琢磨更好一些。

5. 我觉得,应该这样翻译和理解:“为了不让这些药品曝光,不让真相大白(可能有走私嫌疑)”,这就足够了。

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  • 尉东 提出于 2018-06-27 09:48
