
“Look, kids,” I say silently, “I may not do anything else for you this year, but not one of you is going to come out of here a nobody. I'll work or fight to the bitter end doing battle with society and the school board, but I won't have one of you coming out of here thinking himself into a zero.”

1. not one of 的not是副词吗,这是修饰one  of吗?部分否定前面就加not?

2. a nobody是做什么成分?

3. I'll work or fight to the bitter end doing battle with society and the school board.

work和fight 是谓语?doing battle with society and the school board是状语?

4. come out of 和go out of都是从...出来,有什么区别?和说话人的位置有关吗?

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最佳答案 2018-06-22 10:16

“Look, kids,” I say silently, “I may not do anything else for you this year, but not one of you is going to come out of here a nobody. I'll work or fight to the bitter end doing battle with society and the school board, but I won't have one of you coming out of here thinking himself into a zero.”

1. not one of 的not是副词吗,这是修饰one of吗?部分否定前面就加not?

【答】是的,not 修饰代词one。not 直接否定代词、名词的用法很常见。例如:

Not one of the workers felt like having a rest. 工人们谁也不休息一下。

在but not one of you is going to come out of here a nobody中, not 和a nobody两个否定词连用,构成肯定意义。nobody是名词,前面有冠词a,意思是“小人物;无名小卒”。 but not one of you is going to come out of here a nobody




2. a nobody是做什么成分?

【答】nobody是名词,前面有冠词a,意思是“小人物;无名小卒”。在本句是名词作方式状语。a nobady,在本句表示身份。为了理解方便,可以在之前加上as:as a nobody(以小人物的身份)。


3. I'll work or fight to the bitter end doing battle with society and the school board.

work和fight 是谓语?doing battle with society and the school board是状语?

【答】doing battle with society and the school board是状语,是work and fight的“伴随状语或方式状语”。


4. come out of 和go out of都是从...出来,有什么区别?和说话人的位置有关吗?


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其它 1 个回答


not one of you = none of you 这不叫部分否定。部分否定句指否定句中含有总括词 all, both, always 等,not 在意义上不是否定谓语动词,而是否定总括词,即不是全部,而是部分。因此称为部分否定。

one of you will do something. 你们中有一个人会做某事。

Not one of you will do something. not 否定 one, 表示连一个都没有,构成意义上的完全否定。你们所有人都不会做某事。

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  • 尉东 提出于 2018-06-21 14:00
