incoherently, utterly panic-stricken做主语补语

Hearing the latch drop into place, he turned and glanced around at the faces in the crowd. Some of them were still babbling incoherently, utterly panic-stricken. Others were quiet now, no longer afraid.  

incoherently, utterly panic-stricken是形容词做主语补语吗?

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最佳答案 2018-06-15 07:17

Hearing the latch drop into place, he turned and glanced around at the faces in the crowd. Some of them were still babbling incoherently, utterly panic-stricken. Others were quiet now, no longer afraid. 



1. were babbling incoherently:过去进行时,incoherently是副词,修饰动词babbling。

2. utterly panic-stricken:过去分词(形容词)词组,作伴随状语。


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