1 名词修饰名词以及连字符的使用的疑问



It's increasingly common to see pets at work, especially at smaller companies settings (背景) in New York City. Linkedin has 178 results for "dog friendly" jobs in NY, which probably means they either have one kind of "office dog" or many more employees may bring  their dogs in. Big names like Google, Mashable, and Amazon have pet-friendly plans that welcome these companions into the office every day.

通常来说,名词修饰名词,即N1+N2 (N1,N2都为名词),前一个N1用单数,为什么文中使用了...at small companies settings... ? 此处是否有误呢?

是否应改为...at smaller company settings...?请教老师分析!



It is more than half a year since we became a Grade Nine student. Here is what our school life is like now.

严格来说,是否a Grade Nine student有误? 是否应该是a Grade-Nine student? 请教老师分析!

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最佳答案 2018-06-15 13:03

为什么文中使用了...at small companies settings... ? 此处是否有误呢?

是否应改为...at smaller company settings...?请教老师分析!

答:companies settings 应改为company settings。例如: 

严格来说,是否a Grade Nine student有误? 是否应该是a Grade-Nine student? 请教老师分析!

答:a Grade Nine student 和 a Grade-Nine student 都不常用。常用 a nine-year sdudent 例如:二年级学生 second-year student(摘自《牛津.外研社英汉汉英词典》) 《薄冰英语惯用法词典》指出:在说“一年级学生”、“二年级学生”等时,一般不用 grade,也不用form,而用 year , 如:the second-year students(二年级学生)等。

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其它 2 个回答

蒋红秀   - 英语教师

为什么文中使用了...at small companies settings... ? 此处是否有误呢?

是否应改为...at smaller company settings...?请教老师分析!

答:同意你的看法,我也觉得companies settings 的用法不合语法,至少不规范,应改为company settings。而且我觉得其前的介词 at 似乎也应改为 in 更为合适。

严格来说,是否a Grade Nine student有误? 是否应该是a Grade-Nine student? 请教老师分析!

答:a Grade Nine student 和 a Grade-Nine student 都可以说。按传统语法应该用带连字符,但在现代英语中也可以省略连字符。相关说明,请参见:


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陈才   - 英语教师

at smaller companies settings

应该要改为:at smaller company setting.


1个9年级学生=a nine-year-grade student=a student of Grade 9=a ninth grade stduent=a student (who is) in the ninth grade

1个2岁大的女孩=a two-year-old girl

1条5米长的绳子=a five-meter-long rope

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  • Pupil07 提出于 2018-05-19 15:11
