deliver sth to sb in some place中的介词用法问题

The thought of the German airline delivering my diaries to me safely in Portugal, beyond the reach of the last German official who could seize them, extremely pleased me.  


对于介词to、in不太理解,是不是deliver sth to sb(in 地点)。我的理解 是把日记传给我在葡萄牙,in portugal是定语修饰me还是状语修饰传递的动作呢?

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最佳答案 2018-05-20 12:08

The thought of the German airline delivering my diaries to me safely in Portugal, beyond the reach of the last German official who could seize them, extremely pleased me.  


1. 句子主干:The thought pleased me. (主谓宾) 想到某事/此想法让我高兴不已。

2. of the German airline delivering my diaries to me safely in Portugal, beyond the reach of the last German official who could seize them:总体是一个介词短语,作定语,修饰the thought。

3. the German airline delivering my diaries to me safely in Portugal:动名词的复合结构。也就是含有逻辑主语the German airline的动名词delivering my diaries to me safely in Portugal。

4. beyond the reach of the last German official who could seize them:介词短语作状语,修饰delivering,说明delivering的结果。

5. 在beyond the reach of the last German official who could seize them 中,含有一个定语从句:who could seize them,修饰official。

6. 其他应该都不是问题:

(1)beyond the reach of sb.:超出某人所及的范围;某人拿不到/够不着。

(2)deliver sth. to sb. :把(邮件、货物等)投递/递送/送交/传送 给某人。

(3)delivering my diaries to me safely in Portugal:in Portugal修饰me,意思是:在葡萄牙的我。

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其它 1 个回答


deliver sth to sb. 介词to与deliver为搭配关系。

deliver my diaries to me safely in Portugal. safely为方式状语,in Portugal为delivering的地点状语,不是定语。



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  • 尉东 提出于 2018-05-19 09:15
