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最佳答案 2018-06-24 20:45

▲ prepare 和ready:词义相近,但词性不同,用法也不同。

1. 前者是动词,及物或不及物均可;后者是形容词,跟be连用:be ready。例如:


Have you prepared?

Are you ready?

2. 表示“对...做好了准备”,都要加介词for,例如:


Have you prepared for the exam?

Are you ready for the exam?

3. 如果宾语是“准备”的直接内容,这时,用“prepare + 宾语”。不能用prepare for或 be ready for。例如:


She is preparing lunch now. (这句话的含义是:“她正在准备午饭。” = “她正在做午饭。”)

▲ 比较:

She is preparing for lunch now. (这句话的含义是:她正在为午餐作准备,例如:购物,买菜,洗菜等)

She is ready for lunch now.(这句话的含义是:她准备好吃午餐了。)

▲ 关于prepare和prepare for,再做个比较:

prepare her lessons (指学生学习功课)

prepare for her lessons(指老师备课;为上课做准备)

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)


    prepare 只能作动词。常见搭配有:

    1.prepare (for) sth.(for可以省略): We must prepare (for) the party. 我们必须为聚会做准备。/ prepare (for) one's lessons 预习功课

    2. prepare A for B 为B准备A:I prepared my speech for the meeting. 我为集会准备演讲稿。

    3. prepare sb. to do sth.为某人做某事做准备:Mother is preparing Father to enter the hospital. 母亲正在为父亲入院做准备。

    4. prepare to do sth. 准备做某事:Have you prepared to go on a trip? 你已准备好去旅行了吗?

    5. prepare sb. for sth./to do sth. I prepared him for the bad news.我教他做好接受那坏消息的心理准备。/ I'll prepare her to face the difficulty.我要教她准备面对困难。/ prepare oneself for death (= prepare oneself to die)准备一死

    ready 可以作形容词或者动词。

    1. 作形容词: Is dinner ready? 晚餐准备好了吗? Everything is ready for the party.有关聚会的一切事宜已准备妥当。 We are ready for work. 我们已准备好动手工作。I am ready to go. 我已准备出发了。 She got [made] ready for departure.= She got [made] ready to depart. 她做好出发的准备。She is getting dinner ready.她正在准备晚餐。

    2. 作动词: ready oneself for ... 做......的准备。

   【说明】此解答中的例句摘自外研社 建宏《英汉多功能词典》 

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  • 钱祥 提出于 2018-05-05 13:40
