3 in spite of 后面为什么不能接从句

许多书上都说 in spite of 后面不能接从句,但下面的句子不是接的从句吗?

In spite of you say, I still like it.

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最佳答案 2018-08-10 14:58



In spite of what you say, I still like it.

第二,我估计书上肯定没有说in spite of 后面不能接从句,书上说的可能是in spite of 后面不能接 that-从句

你的问题中的 in spite of 是介词,一般说来,介词后面是不能接 that-从句的,但完全可以接由缩合连接代词 what 引导的从句,因为这样的 what 从句在本质上就相当于名词(比如相当于 the thing(s)+that 引导的定语从句)。对于 in spite of 来说,它后面如果要接 that-从句,则应在其前加上 the fact 后宾语,即用于 in spite of the fact that(the fact 作介词宾语,其后的 that 从句用作其同位语)。如:

I write letters in spite of the fact that most people call. 尽管大多数人打电话,我仍然写信。

He is good company, in spite of the fact that he talks all the time. 他是个好伙伴,尽管他老是说个不停。

They made it on time in spite of the fact that they got a flat tire. 尽管汽车轮胎泄了气,他们还是准时到达了目的地。

附:关于介词后面接 that 引导的从句作宾语的更多用法,可参考:


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其它 4 个回答



1 不定式和that从句都不能做介词的宾语(例外的介词只有三个,except和but可以后接不定式和that从句,in可后接that从句);

2 表语形容词后不可以接名词,但可后接不定式和that从句。(后接wh-从句是介词省略了,介词可以加上)

3 不定式和that从句都可以作状语。(不定式和that从句可以做目的和结果状语)

in spite of是个短语介词,后接的名词其实是介词of的宾语,that从句是不能做of的宾语的。

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陈才   - 英语教师





(3)连接代词 宾语从句:what, which, who, whose, whom

In spite of what you say, I still like it.

(4)连接副词宾语从句:when,where,why, how

He decided to carry on his plan in spite of what Mrs Grundy will say.  

他不管人家会说些什么,他决意按自己的计划干.(WHAT 宾语从句)

Josef Krips at the State Opera hired her in spite of the fact that she had never sung on stage.(同位语从句)


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in spite of表示让步的介词,后面不能接that从句

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

    1. in spite of 后面不可以直接跟 that 从句,但可以用 in spite of the fact that.(这里的 the fact 是介词 in spite of 的宾语;that 从句是同位语从句,作 the fact 的同位语)例如:

    They made it on time in spite of the fact that they  got a flat tire. 尽管汽车轮胎泄了气,他们还是准时到达了目的地。(摘自《韦氏高阶英汉双解词典》2017年1用第1版)

    He is good company,  in spite of the fact that he talks all the time他是个好伙伴,尽管他老是说个不停。(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第三版272节)

    但是,这种表达方式过于累赘。although 可以表达 in spite of the fact that 的意思,而且更常用:He is good company although he talks all the time.(  He is good company,  in spite of the fact that he talks all the time.更常用)

    2. in spite of 后面可以接名词或者动词的 -ing 形式。例如:

    He failed the test in spite of all his studying. 尽管他学习很努力,可考试还是没及格。/ She went ahead in spite of the snow. 尽管下着雪,她依旧继续前行。(摘自《韦氏高阶英汉双解词典》2017年1用第1版)

    In spite of having a headache I enjoyed the film. 尽管头痛,我看电影还是看得很开心。(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第三版272节)

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