This city is becoming more and more beautiful, but this area ________ then years ago.
A. looks the same as it was
B. is the same as it was
looks the same as it was 和is the same as it was,表达的意思是不一样的,这是关键。假若没有前一分句的话,这两个说法(答案)都是对的。
但是,前文说:“这座城市正在变得越来越漂亮。” 后面的this area 要从中排除,既然排除,就必须用肯定的口吻 “是”,而不能用含糊的口吻 “看起来是”。再说,looks 往往意味着表面是,其实不是。
This city is becoming more and more beautiful, but this area ________ ten years ago.
A. looks the same as it was
B. is the same as it was
转折连词but提示this city和this area是二个不同的地方。this city越来越漂亮了,即与以前不同了。作为对比,this area却还是原来的样子,没有变。looks和is在此都是系词,looks表示在视觉上,is表示本质上如此。the city越来越漂亮,指视觉上的变化,故but后面也谈论视觉上没有变化才符合逻辑。因此,A显然优于B,正确答案应该是A,而不是B。