
This street is 300% longer than that one. 这条街比那条街长三倍/百分之三百。

这就是说, 表达倍数若用 ...times 或 fold,则不论何种句型中都表示包括基数 100% 在内, 所以 four times longer than / as long as / the length of 都只表示“长三倍”;但若在 more / greater than 结构中用百分比,则表示净增数(见上例中最后一句)。

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最佳答案 2017-10-28 22:44


The output of cotton in 1979 was five times as much as that of 1973.

The output of cotton in 1979 was five times that of 1973.

The output of cotton in 1979 was five times greater than that in 1973. [在本句中英语习惯上用five times greater...而不用four times greater...,译成汉语应为“比1973年(净)增四倍”。]

The output of cotton in 1979 was five times what it had been in 1973.

The output of cotton increased five-fold in the years 1973-1979.

The output of cotton was 400% greater than in 1973.

There was a 400% increase in the output of cotton between 1973 and 1979.

由上述几种倍数表示法可以看出,用百分比表示净增数,而用times或-fold则不论在何种句型中都表示包括基数100%在内,就是说,表示增加四倍,要用five times或five-fold等。



首先要纠正一下,不是我给的例句,所有的说明和例句都是引用《新编英语语法》。至于语法大家所给的例句,我不妄加评论。不过你认为前后对比一致而改用in 1973,我倒觉得可行。

你提到“Sharp 和 Wood 等明确指出:‘倍数+形容词(副词)比较级+ than结构’是错误的用法,要表达这种意义,用‘倍数+as+形容词(副词)比较级+as’结构”。这个观点我是难以接受的,我认为这是固步自封的说法。在现代英语中,“倍数+形容词(副词)比较级+than结构”表达倍数在很多语法著作中都有介绍,而且已被绝大多数人所接受。在这里我再引用“英语语法网”上的一篇文章以供你参考:


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其它 1 个回答


曾老师,请教一下! 您给的例句:

The output of cotton in 1979 was five times as much as that of 1973.

The output of cotton in 1979 was five times that of 1973.

of 1973是否应为in 1973,因为前面有in 1979?


Sharp 和 Wood 等明确指出:“倍数+形容词(副词)比较级+ than结构”是错误的用法,是不可接受的。要表达这种意义,用“倍数+as+形容词(副词)比较级+as”结构:

My new glasses cost me three times as much as the last pair that I bought.


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  • 胡红磊 提出于 2014-10-04 10:11
