did so是什么意思

Analysts said that the rise in births in 2016 was probably a one-off as couples who had been waiting to have a second child did so as soon as the policy changed.


句子后面的 did 的用法我没看懂,请帮忙解释一下。

还有 so 我也不知道是什么意思。


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最佳答案 2018-01-29 14:10

Expert:您仔细看看,您这个解答满意吗?did so——这是网友最关心也是最关键的问题。我不想给您纠正了,希望您自己改正吧。



原句 = Analysts said that the rise in births in 2016 was probably a one-off as couples who had been waiting to have a second child said that the rise in births in 2016 was probably a one-off as soon as the policy changed.

解答如下:did so =省略前面相同内容,(did=said)

did sosaid that the rise in births in 2016 was probably a one-off

so= that the rise in births in 2016 was probably a one-off


1. 千万不要把网友的问题、例句和您的解答、例句,混在一起。乱了套了,谁能看懂?希望您今后改正!

2. 还有,您的中文及其表述,还有很大的改进空间!

3. 解答问题,不要匆忙上阵,没有把握或者没有绝对把握,不要抢答。等别的老师解答完了再去修改吗?

4. 解答问题不要无限延伸,与问题无关的内容坚决不要!回答问题要直中要害,避免答非所问。学会审题,才会答题。


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其它 2 个回答


so除了可以作分句替代词,替代前文提到的一个分句之外,还可以和替代动词do合用,替代前文的一个动词(包括该动词的宾语和/或complement)。本句中的did so即为动词替代,替代前文的have a second child.(即替代了动词加宾语)。




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陈才   - 英语教师

Analysts said(宾语从句 that the rise in births in 2016 was probably a one-off )(原因状语从句as couples (定语从句who had been waiting to have a second child (谓语did so)(时间状语从句 as soon as the policy changed.))

=Analysts said that the rise in births in 2016 was probably a one-off as couples who had been waiting to have a second child (said that the rise in births in 2016 was probably a one-off) as soon as the policy changed.

(备注:以上句子有1个that宾语从句,1个as原因状语从句,1个who定语从句,1个as soon as时间状语从句)( 定语从句和时间状语从句属于原因状语从句下面层次从句)


句子后面的 did 的用法我没看懂,请帮忙解释一下。

解答如下:did so 属于代替前面出现过的谓语和宾语。


did so= said that the rise in births in 2016 was probably a one-off

还有 so 我也不知道是什么意思。

so= that the rise in births in 2016 was probably a one-off


“Is he coming?”“I believe so.”

“他来吗?”“我想他能来。”(so=he is coming)

I believe so=I believe that he is coming

“He's gone to school?”“She said so.”(so=he has gone to school)




【一】一些表示婉转口气的词语,如: expect, hope, guess, fear, be afraid, think, suppose, believe等与so或not搭配。

“Is it going to rain tomorrow?”  “I am afraid so.” 

“明天会下雨吗?” “恐怕会的。”

这里的so=that it is going to rain tomorrow

“Is she married?”   “I guess not.”   “她结婚了吗?” “我想没有。”

这里的not=that she is not married


①而否定形式expect, hope, guess, fear, be afraid用not, 即I expect so.(肯定) 

②I expect not.(否定)  think用其否定形式加so, 即I don’t think so. 

③suppose和believe有两种形式,即I don’t believe so.=I believe not.

【二】一些表示肯定或怀疑口气的词语,如: be sure, know, doubt等后面不能用替代词so或not.

“Are the teachers coming to the party?”  “I’m sure they are.”或 “I doubt if they are.”

不能说“I’m sure so/not.”或“I doubt so/not.”


“Mary is leaving for Shanghai.”  “Yes, so I heard.”

“玛丽要去上海。” “是的,我也听说了。”

“It’s going to be a cold winter.”  “Yes, so the newspaper says.”

“今年的冬天将会很冷。”  “是的,报纸上也这么说。”



“Tom is suffering from cancer. Dr. Smith said so.”


“How do you know that he is leaving soon?”  “He told me so.”

“你怎么知道他不久要走的?”  “他对我这么说的。”

I told you so.这一句子含有“我警告过你,但你不听。”之意。另外,其它表示“话语”的动词后面不能用so,而要用to。

“Is he going to help you?”  “Yes, he promised to.”

“他打算帮你吗?”  “是的,他答应的。”

【五】与if搭配,构成无动词分句if so和if not。

We are told Mr. Li will come tonight, and if so, our meeting will be held tomorrow. If not, there won’t be any meeting.


(if so=if he comes tonight.   if not = if he doesn’t come tonight.)

【六】分词替代代词not可以与perhaps, possibly, probably, certainly, surely等表示情态的副词搭配,构成某些缩略句。而so通常不能这样用。

“Will you waste your time and money on that?” 


“Certainly not.=Certainly I will not do it.”  “当然不。”

【七】分句替代词not还可以与why搭配,构成缩略问句why not。

“I didn’t stop him.”  “Why not=Why didn’t you stop him?”

“我没有拦住他。”  “为什么不?”




  1. 你问的did so, 实际上替代不定式 have a second child。

前面是用动词原形have a second child,后面用过去式did,这自相矛盾,did必须替代前面为“一般过去式”的动词,否则是不符合语言逻辑。




2. “新的计划生育政策”就是允许 have a second child。

“新的计划生育政策”是等于have a second child吗?

3.  原文翻译中的“利用了该政策”,就是指did so。

did so 应该代替前面谓语为过去式+宾语成分,才符合语言逻辑。

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  • 英语学习者 提出于 2018-01-23 08:21
