3 强调句可以用 it is...which/when/when/why 吗

英语的强调句通常是:it is...that / who...

请问可以用:It is...which / where / when / why...吗


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最佳答案 2017-11-27 20:01

标准的强调句型是it is/was...that/...。其它连接词很少使用。有人认为被强调的成分如果是作状语的时间名词是也可以用when,例如:

It was yesterday that/when he left for Japan. 


It was in 1995 that he left for Japan. 不能用when.


What is that on the desk?

It is a report which I am writing. (这不是强调句型。it指代问句中的that,which引导定语从句)

I have heard you are writing a book.

No, it is a report that I am writing. 强调句型。不能用which。


I heard they sacked the secretary. No, it was the manager who was sacked.


Who was crying? It was the manager who was sacked. (定语从句。)

偶尔见到的it is/was...where/which...通常都是定语从句结构,It为人称代词。why不可能用于强调句。




There are differences from relative clauses, however, in that the wh-forms

are rare in cleft sentences in comparison with that and zero although whose is allowed in cleft sentences (It's Uncle Bill whose address I lost), whom and

which are only marginally possible, and it is virtually impossible to use whom

or which preceded by a preposition. Thus:

It was the dog to which I gave the water.

can be read only as a sentence containing a postmodifying relative clause

(compare She was the woman to whom I gave the water), and not as a cleft



正如夸克指出的,强调句型的标准用词是that(或省略that),如今不少人以为只要被强调的成分是人,就可以用who。这种认识会导致who的滥用。实际的情况是that远较who常用,who的使用是很少见的(夸克用rare表示)。作为学习英语的中国人,应该尽量使用that(或省略that),少用who. 其它wh-开头的词更不宜使用。因为我们自己很难判断那些少见的情况属于什么情况。

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其它 2 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

【问】有一读者问:在强调结构中,用 which, when, where 来代替 that 行吗?如:

(1)It is the verb to do which is often found in the active voice.

(2)It was in front of this altar of heaven where the emperor performed the three kneelings and nine prostrations before the altars of his ancestors.

(3)It was in 1949 when the People"s Republic of China was established.

【答】在英语强调结构“It is (was) + 名(代)词 + that”中,如果 that 之前的名词指物或抽象概念 — 正如其指人时可用 who 代替 that 一样 — 亦可用 which 代替 that , 所以上述句(1)并没有错。再如:

It is the moon which we see there.

It is his strong will which enabled him to work tirelessly.

至于例(2)与例(3)中的 where 与 when 则是英美人所常犯的错误,严格说来,都应改为 that 。

(以上内容摘自《薄冰英语用法问答1144例》第298页)【说明】由于电脑出现故障,例(3)中 People"s 中的所有格符号有误。

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陈才   - 英语教师

I agree with Teacher Cao about the answer of the question.

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