
Sb (A) be survived by sb (B)

Eg, She is survived by her children. 她没有她的孩子活的长。

Survive短语的这一用法和短语 sb (A) be beat by sb (B)(A被B打败)的用法一样吗?是不是可以按同一个思路来理解?

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最佳答案 2017-07-28 21:29

A survive B确实有A比B活得长的意思,那么其被动式A is survived by B即B比A活得长,你这样理解可以。

但是A survive B的结构中B也可是一场灾难(表示幸存下来),这时不用被动式。

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其它 1 个回答


be survived by sb.是惯用法,意为“去世后身后留下某人继续生活”

if you are survived by someone, they are still alive after you have died

Santos is survived by his wife of 49 years.桑托斯死了,剩下他49岁的妻子。

She is survived by her children.她死了,身后留下几个孩子。

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  • xiaofeng 提出于 2017-07-27 21:28
