2 含有情态动词may, might的句子如何变反意疑问句

请教一下:含有情态动词may, might的句子如何变反意疑问句?

You may go only on certain conditions. 你只有在一定条件下才能去。

He may have been mistaken about what he saw. 他可能看错了。

He might wake up at any moment. 他随时都会醒过来。

They might easily have been arrested. 他们很可能已经被逮捕了。

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最佳答案 2017-06-20 09:16


He may have left, hasn't he?

He may have left yesterday, didn't he?

He might be sleeping, isn't he?

He may leave tomorrow, won't he?

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其它 4 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

请教一下:含有情态动词may, might的句子如何变反意疑问句?

You may go only on certain conditions. 你只有在一定条件下才能去。

He may have been mistaken about what he saw. 他可能看错了。

He might wake up at any moment. 他随时都会醒过来。

They might easily have been arrested. 他们很可能已经被逮捕了。




第1句,没有一般疑问句,也就没有反义问句。因为表示许可的may,其一般疑问句表示“请求”。主语是you 的时候,就不存在“请求对方”。我们不说:May you go? 而只能说:May I go? 




He may have been mistaken about what he saw, mayn't he?

He might wake up at any moment, mightn't he?

They might easily have been arrested, mightn't they?


但有的情态动词如must,表推测时只用于肯定句,不用于否定句和疑问句(例如:mustn’t 表示“不许,不准”,没了推测之意。Must he...也不表推测。 )这时,应根据情况使用其他操作词。举例说明:

1. must只在肯定句中表推测:

He must have seen the film. (正)

He mustn’t have seen the film. (误)

(否定用He can’t have seen the film. )

Must he have seen the film? (误)

He must have seen the film, mustn’t he? (误)

He must have seen the film, didn’t he? (正)

2. might在各种句中都可以表推测:

He might have seen the film. (正)

He might not have seen the film.(正)

Might he have seen the film?(正)

He might have seen the film, mightn’t he?(正)


在阐述某人观点时,三个不同的人称“你、我、他”,身份是不一样的:说话人是“我”,听者是“你”,“他”不在现场。那么,反义问句(tag question) 会出现不同的结果:


I think this is true, isn’t it? (正)

I don’t think this is true, is it?(正)

I think this is true, don’t I? (误)

I don’t think this is true, do I?(误)

【说明】信息重心在宾语从句:“这件事是否是真的”,征求“你”的答复。若用do/don’t I?那就是自言自语了。


You think this is true, don’t you? (正)

You don’t think this is true, do you? (正)

You think this is true, isn’t it? (误)

You don’t think this is true, is it? (误)


You think this is true, don’t you? 意思是:你认为这是真的,不是吗?(你不这样认为吗?)

假如说:You think this is true, isn’t it? 意思是:“你认为这是真的,它不是真的吗?”——在逻辑上讲不通。


(A) He thinks this is true, isn’t it? (正)

(A) He doesn’t think this is true, is it? (正)

(B) He thinks this is true, doesn’t he? (正)

(B) He doesn’t think this is true, does he? (正)

【说明】A组的信息重心在宾语从句:“这件事是否是真的”。 B组的信息重心在主句:“他是否持有这个观点”。两种情况都能讲得通,因为第三者的观点不是“你我”的观点,是间接的转述。

综上,在阐述某人观点时,三个不同的人称“你、我、他”,身份不一样,角色不一样,说话角度不同:说话人是“我”,听者是“你”,“他”不在现场。那么,tag question应该是这样设置的:

I don’ think... 的信息重心在“宾语从句”。其附加问句应根据宾语从句设置。

You don’t think... 的信息重心在“主句”。 其附加问句应根据主句设置。

He doesn’t think... 的信息重心在“主句或从句”均可。其附加问句根据主句或宾语从句设置均可。

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陈才   - 英语教师


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王汝涛   - 英语教师

May在表示请求,许可时,可以用于反义疑问句,表示推测时,一般不能用may. 我把你的四句变为反义疑问句:

You may go only on certain conditions,can't you?

He may have been mistaken about what he saw,didn't he?

He might wake up at any moment,mightn't he?

They might easily have been arrested,mightn't they?

注意:现代英语以很少在附加疑问句中使用mayn't, 这是比较老的用法,或特别正式场合。但may可以用于主句中,附加疑问句可以用might. 例如:He may come tomorrow, mightn't he? 不说mayn't he?. 如果表示请求,许可时,可以用may, 如:I may not come, may I?

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

You may go only on certain conditions ,mayn't you?  

He may have been mistaken about what he saw mayn't he?

He might wake up at any moment mightn't he?

They might easily have been arrested mightn't they? 

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    • 关键词   提出于 2017-06-11 19:46
