what we are还是who we are

Environment makes ______ we are. If we damage the environment, we'll endanger ourselves.

A.what   B.who

Which suits the blank better and why?

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最佳答案 2017-04-28 16:33

1. 该题设计不严谨,漏掉了us,即:Environment makes us _____ we are. 因为make在这里的意思是“使...成为...”,应该接复合宾语结构。make 表示“制造”;“自身成为” 之意时,才跟单宾语或表语。例如:

He made a cake. (主动宾)

Tom finally made a good boy.(主系表)


Environment makes what we are.

Environment makes who we are.

2. 加上us 后,填what 跟who 都可以。who 也可以指:怎样(指出身、性格、地位等)的人。所以,what we are 和 who we are: 意思都是“我们是怎样的一种人”。

有了us 后,这是一个典型的“宾语补足语从句”。

3. 请看这个名句:

It is what we think and what we do that makes us what/who we are. 


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其它 4 个回答



Who are you?

I am Tom.

What are you?

I am a student.

Who 问的是姓名,what 问的是身份,职业等。

我们在地球上的身份、地位是由环境决定的。因此应该选 what,而不是 who。

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Webster   - 英语教师


本题只能选 what,不可能选 who。因为在现代英语中,只有 what 才可以用作缩合连接代词,相当于“先行词+关系代词”,现在 who 一般不这样用。who引导宾语从句时,它总是含有疑问意味(它本是疑问代词,用于引导特殊疑问句,所以在引导名词性从句时,它也具有疑问意味)。如:

He asked who lived next door. 他问住在隔壁。

I don’t know who to turn to. 我不知道向求助。

She wondered who had sent the flowers. 她不知道是送的花。


I asked what he liked. 我问他喜欢什么。(what=普通连接代词;句中“什么”含有疑问意味)

You can eat what you like. 你喜欢什么就可以吃什么。(what=缩合连接代词;虽然也翻译成“什么”,但没有疑问意味)


Environment makes what we are. If we damage the environment, we'll endanger ourselves.

环境会使我们成为什么样的人。 如果我们破坏环境,遭殃的会是我们自己。


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王汝涛   - 英语教师

这道题因为是environment做主语,根据语境和个人语感,可以用what we are. 当然如果加上us,就应该用who we are. 我也赞同刘老师的解答。 但我的观点是:Environment makes what we are 和 Environment makes us who we are 都对。用what we are 不要加us.但现代英语多用who we are.在国外网站找到这样两句来佐证。Genes and environment make us who we are. We are what we are.顺便提一句,在现代英语中,人们询问职业不再说What are you? 显得不够斯文,而说What do you do (for a living)?

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陈才   - 英语教师


1.I would appreciate______ greatly if you could give me a three-day leave.

A. you    B. it        C. that       D. myself

2.--------- Would you mind my using your computer for a while?

--------- ____________.

A. Yes, go ahead         B. Of course, help yourself

C. Absolutely not         D. Sure, but it’s broken down

3. It may rain, but we should go ________.

A. anyway     B. though       C. certainly      D. however

4. After work they______ all their tools and kept them in the cupboard.

A. put on     B. put away        C. put out        D. put up

5. There is more and more doubt ______ the UN resolution aimed at stopping humanitarian crisis in Lybia has been abused.

A. if     B. that        C. /       D. whether

6. Environment makes _____ we are. If we damage the environment, we’ll endanger ourselves.

A. how    B. who        C. what        D. before

7. Such animals as South China tigers are believed _____, for we’ve had no track of them for ages.

A. becoming  extinct         B. to become

C. to have been extinct       D. having been extinct

8.----- I sped along that highway at 160 mph.

------- Oh, my God. You can never do that again. You ______yourself.

A. should kill    B. could kill

C. should have killed      D. could have killed

9. Weeks after the big earthquake in Japan, hundreds of people remained struggling in their ruined homeland, _____ to be rescued.

A. waiting      B. to wait         C. waited       D. being waited

10. Frequently there is so much traffic in the street in the rush hour that you can hardly get _____ even on foot.

A. over      B. through        C. across      D. beyond

11. Lucy ______ volleyball  regularly for many years when she was young.

A. played   B. was playing        C. has played       D. had played

12. You should ______ making promises you can’t keep.

A. prevent     B. allow        C. protect       D. avoid

13. The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by_____.

A. Henry James                B. Mark Twain

C. Harriet  Beecher Stowe       D. O Henry

14.Which of the following English sounds is NOT bilabial?

A. [b]       B. [m]        C. [p]        D. [f]

15.The English word “untouchable” is composed of _______morphemes.

A. two       B. three        C. four        D. five


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