yet to do sth 中的yet是什么用法

A date for the meeting has yet to be determined. 


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最佳答案 2018-08-25 23:39

▲副词yet用后接不定式时(尤其用于have yet to do sth, be yet to do sth等少数结构),意思是“还没有做某事”“尚未做某事”“不曾做某事”。又如:

1. have yet to do sth

The medical experts have yet to report in full. 医学专家们还得全面汇报。

He had yet to accomplish anything of substance. 他至今尚未有任何实质性成就。

The company has yet to provide an adequate explanation for its actions. 该公司对其行为仍未作出充分解释。

2. be yet to do sth

The most exciting part is yet to come. 最激动人心的一刻还没到来。

The cutoff date for registering is yet to be announced. 注册的截止日期尚未公布。

“Who’ll be appointed?” “It’s yet to be decided.” “谁会得到任命呢?”“还有待决定哩。”


A date for the meeting has yet to be determined. 会议日期尚待确定。

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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

▲副词yet 跟否定句连用,表示“尚未,还没有”。但是,为什么与肯定句连用也表示“尚未,还没有” 呢?

前面陈老师列举了两种情况:have yet to do 和be yet to do。其实,这都是不定式表示的动作“尚未发生”的缘故。翻译成“要去做”或者“尚未做”都可以,它们不矛盾。这好比 I wonder what you will do next.中的 wonder。翻译成“我想要知道”和“我不知道”都行。

我们知道,have to do(得干某事),不定式表示将来必须做的事情;be to do(将来时的一种类型),不定式也表示将来安排计划做的事情。所以,将来做的事情,就意味着“尚未做,还没有做,有待于做”。在不定式前加上yet 后,更强调了这层“尚未发生”的含义。

▲yet 用在不定式之前表示“否定意义”,除了上述情况外,还有其他几种情况。例如:

一、yet 跟动词不定式作定语连用:(不定式作定语也意味着尚未发生)

1. She has many places yet to visit on her itinerary. 在她的行程表上她还有许多地方要去参观。

2. For us, there are many dreams and ideas yet to be fulfilled. 我们有许多的梦想和想法还没有实现。

3. Nearly 225 years have passed, and we have a long way yet to travel. 225年过去了,我们仍有很长的路要走。

4. This is a difficult problem yet to be adequately resolved. 这是一个难题,有待充分解决。

5. You owe me ten thousand dollars yet to return. 你欠我的一万块钱还没给呢。

6. The wisest mind has something yet to learn. 上智的心灵乃仍然有待学之处。

二、yet 跟动词不定式作结果状语连用:(结构,不定式本身蕴含着否定意味)

1. It is too soon yet to look for results. 现在便期望有结果为时尚早。

2. It's too early yet to see the fruits of that investment. 看到那投资的成果还为时过早。

三、yet 跟动词不定式作目的状语连用:(remain 本身就是“有待于”)

1. You should know the mission remains yet to be accomplished.你应该知道任务还没有完成。

2. One peculiarity of the child's behavior remains yet to be told. 这孩子的举止上还有一个特点也要说一说。




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陈才   - 英语教师

A date for the meeting has yet to be determined.





yet to do sth 用在某些动词(have/get)表示一个尚未发生的动作/一个将要发生的动作

We have much yet to do -- inAfghanistanand beyond. 

不过 在阿富汗和世界其他地方我们还有许多事情要做.

The two ministers have yet to meet, but may do so while in New York. 


I hope the old hag has gone out to do her grocery shopping and hasn't come back yet. 


This you know I have power to do, and yet I forbear it.

你一定晓得我是有这种权力的, 然而我忍耐着不去做.

It was a rash thing to do, yet one cannot but admire her courage. 

这事做得过于鲁莽, 然而不能不佩服她的勇气.

Yet each time, It'stood up and to do better. 

但是,每一次, 她都站起来,尽力地去再一步改进.

 And yet, New Horizons is poised to do just that. 

但是, “新视野”号准备从容得面对.

She had not yet figured out what she was going to do. 


I wouldn't want to do it, not just yet anyway. 

我不想做这件事, 至少现在不想.

Yet nobody expected Mr Putin simply to do what he had said. 


There is no sign, yet, that they are willing to do so. 

这里没有迹象, 但是, 他们的确想这样做.

 But the Iraqis are yet ready to do this on their own. 




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