请问:might have carried表示什么意思?

Yao Ming might have carried the flag at the Opening Ceremony, but Liu is said to be China's most revered athletic hero.

请问:might have carried表示什么意思?

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最佳答案 2016-10-31 12:10

Yao Ming might have carried the flag at the Opening Ceremony, but Liu is said to be China's most revered athletic hero.


【分析】本句的might have carried 表示与过去情况不符的虚拟语气,意为“本可以怎样”。一般说来,情态动词would, might, could, should 都可以跟完成时连用,表示:1. 与过去不符的虚拟语气;2.对过去情况的推测

might have done 可以表达两种含义:

【虚拟语气】We might have arrived earlier if we had taken the other road. 如果我们当时走了另一条路,就可能到得早一些。

【对过去的推测】You were stupid to try climbing up there. You might have killed yourself. 你从那儿往上爬,太蠢了,你可能会摔死的。

could have done:

【虚拟语气】If he had known the facts, he could have told us what to do. 如果他了解事实,他是可能告诉我们怎样做的。

【对过去的推测】Tom could have taken the money; he was here alone yesterday. 有可能是汤姆把钱拿走了,昨天他单独一个人在这里呆过。


should have done:


①I should have answered the letter yesterday, but it went right out of my mind. 我本该昨天回信的,但我把这件事忘得一干二净。

②But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier. 要是没有碰到暴雨,我们还会早到一些的。


The train should have already left by then. 那时火车大概已经开走了吧。

would have done:



If we had had enough rain last year, we would have gained a good harvest. 如果去年雨水充足的话,我们会有一个好的收成。


She would have gone with me, but she didn't have time. 她本来会和我一起去的,但她没有时间。



People are recycling many things which they would have thrown away in the past. 现在人们都在回收他们过去可能会丢弃的东西。(2014安徽高考试题)

以上讲解说明:情态动词would, might, could, should 跟完成时连用,要么表示虚拟语气,要么表示对过去的推测。不可能用来陈述一个已发生的事实。如果真像你说的那样,我们就要怀疑这个句子的来历了。


may have done 不表示虚拟,只表示推测。

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其它 2 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

Yao Ming might have carried the flag at the Opening Ceremony, but Liu is said to be China's most revered athletic hero.

请问:might have carried表示什么意思?

may have done sth =本来可以做某事,实际上没有做

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

    “might have + 过去分词”的用法:

     1.表示非真实的过去情况,意思是“本来或许会......”或“本来或许可能......”,例如:If I hadn't been so tired, I might have realised what was happening. 要是我不那么累的话,我本来也许会意识到发生什么事了。(摘自 《牛津英语用法指南》第三版 259.2节)

     2.表示某事可能发生过或在过去可能是真实的。例如:"What was that noise? ""It might have been a cat." “ 那是什么声音?” “可能是猫。”(摘自 《牛津英语用法指南》第三版 399.8节)

     3. 表示将来“可能已经”,例如:By the end of this year I might have saved some money. 到今年年底,我可能已经攒了一笔钱了。(摘自 《牛津英语用法指南》第三版 399.8节)

     4. 表示某事可能发生而没有发生。例如:You were stupid to try climbing up there. You might have killed yourself. 你真蠢,想从那儿往上爬。你可能会摔死的。(摘自 《牛津英语用法指南》第三版 399.9节)

     5. 表示(过去)本来应该做某事,而实际上没有做,通常用来提出批评。例如:She might have told me she was going to stay out all night. 她要一夜不回来,应该事先告诉我一声呀。(摘自 《牛津英语用法指南》第三版 344节)

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