like smoke through a keyhole.是什么意思?

like smoke through a keyhole.是什么意思?


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最佳答案 2016-08-18 17:30

like smoke through a keyhole的字面意思是“像烟雾一样穿过锁孔”。这是来源于美国文艺喜剧电影《遗愿清单》中的一句经典台词:Fifty-five years goes by pretty fast like smoke through a keyhole. 四十五年一晃就过去了,如白驹过隙。like smoke through a keyhole是介词短语作方式状语,其中,through a keyhole是介词短语作宾语smoke的定语

介词短语through a keyhole有动态意味,可表示smoke的行为,因此,更合理的分析是将其看作宾语smoke的补足语。这样一来,我们便可以将整个短语理解为“介词like的复合结构”。类似的例句如下:

These stories are spreading like wildfire through the city.  这些谣言迅速传遍了整座城市。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解词典》

The lava that flows slowly like a wave down the mountain causes far more damage .... 而顺着山坡下流的火山熔岩所造成的损失却大得多......。(高中新课程标准《选修六》Unit 5)

...and I heard a strange sound, like a railway train passing my window.

......接着我听到一阵奇怪的声音,就好像一列火车在我的窗外行驶一样。(高中新课程标准《选修六》Unit 5)

It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something. 它(竹子)长着修长的叶子,在风中摇摆,就像纤细的手指够着去触摸什么东西。(1984版《高中英语》第二册,Lesson 2  The Tallest Grass)

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