

误:The man stealing the computer was caught.

误:The man having stolen the computer was caught.

正:The man who stole the computer was caught.


There is a door leading to the garden. 有一座门通往花园。

Who are those people waiting outside? 那些在外边等候的人是谁?

There were some children swimming in the river. 有些小孩在河里游泳。

The boy talking to the teacher is my brother. 和老师谈话的那男孩是我兄弟。

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最佳答案 2014-05-28 15:49

Having arrived late, he didn't catch thetrain.因为来晚 他没有赶上火车。【状语】
Having failed in the exam, he wascriticized.因为考试不及格 他受到了批评。【状语】
All flights ______ because of thesnowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.
A. had been canceled
B. have been canceled
C. were canceled
D. having been canceled
Any man having witnessed the attack isunder suspicion. 任何目击此次袭击的人都有了嫌疑。
▲因此,从这种角度来说,你的例句并非百分百是错的。但是建议了解即可,在实际考试及写作中,应避免这种形式。The man having stolen the computer was caught.

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其它 2 个回答

龙 楠   - 英语教师

回应:cgsbzdwy“动词ing 形式作定语能表示过去正在发生的动作吗”这一问题。

回答:动词ing 形式作定语完全可以表示过去正在发生的动作。如:

I didn’t talk much to the man sitting next to me. 我没和坐在我旁边的人多讲话。(《张道真英语语法》第235页)

The taxi taking us to the airport broke down. 送我们去机场的出租车中途坏了。(《张道真英语语法》第235页)

There was a long line waiting (=who were waiting) outside the cinema. 有长长一行人在电影院外等候。(《张道真英语语法》第558页)

People who are / were waiting for the bus often shelter / sheltered in my doorway. = People waiting for the bus often shelter / sheltered... 等公共汽车的人们常常在我家门口躲风避雨。(《牛津英语语法》第77节)

Boys who attend / attended this school have / had to wear uniform.=Boys attending... 在这个学校就学的男生必须穿校服。(《牛津英语语法》第77节)

所以《无敌高中英语语法》p301上说的“动词ing 形式作定语表示现在正在发生的动作”,是欠妥的(完全是“想当然”的说法)。

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  • 高晓用   提出于 2014-05-28 11:37
