再问:“A 或者 B ” 做主语动词用单数还是复数?

Mum or dad, of course, provide a regularsupply of pocket money, but uncles and aunts are always a source of extraincome. 这里的provide不是应该用provides? 来自新概念3 Lesson 15


Reward or punishment are meted out quiteindependent of human interference.


两位老师都说应用三单. 我想问的是,不用三单到底对不对?二者有何区别?谢谢!!

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最佳答案 2014-05-13 11:03


" When singularsubjects (noun or pronoun) are coordinated by or, strict logic and the ruleslaid down by grammarians since the 17th cent require the verb and followingpronouns to be singular but at all times there has been a tendency to use theplural with two or more singular subjects when their mutual exclusion is notemphasized


..---  from: Oxford English Dictionary 2dEd. 1989 (2009 Draft)

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