给英语答疑网的专家老师拜年了,谢谢专家老师(尤其感谢曹荣禄老师和刘永科老师)的答疑解惑,祝专家老师 :新年好,身体棒,合家福,事业旺!特充值160鲜花送给专家老师!
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你的句子是错的,可以将 is 改为 does,或去掉 look。误:What's it look like?正:What does it look like?正:What's it like?
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试写一下,不妥请各位专家指教!Loving to work is a virtueIn our life, we often hear some people say that they don't like to work and think that doing work is not worthwhile. Some say that they are too busy and doing work takes up too much time, some say technology is so advanced and work that mus...
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@yesmina: 请问一下,我也查了一下English Practical Usage, 查到了您的例句,但没有查到那条用法说明。请问您用的是哪个版本?
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