沅老师 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2014-06-04


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2022-10-06 14:35 回答问题

说 to the best of one's ability“总是”放在句末,有点绝对,应该说“通常”放在句末吧。关于 to the best of one's ability 在句中的位置大致可按以下情况处理:1. 如果 to the best of one's ability 修饰的是不及物动词,即动词后面没有宾语,此时 to the best of one's ability 自然就在句末了。如:Every game, we go out and play to the best of our ability. 我们每场比赛都倾尽全力地去拼。I’m sure he’ll do the work to the best of his ability. 我相信他会尽己所能做好这项工作。2. 如果 to the best of one's ability 修饰的是及物动词,但它的宾语比较短,此时 to the best of one's ability 通常会放在宾语之后,此时自然也就在句末了。如:I take care of them to the best of my abilities. 我尽全力照顾他们。Just try to do the job to the best of your ability. 试尽你所能把这项工作做好。3. 如果 to the best of one's ability 修饰的是及物动词,但它的宾语比较长,此时 to the best of one's ability 既可能放在宾语之后(即句末),也可能放在宾语之前(即句中)。如:We must exploit what we have to the best of our ability. 我们必须尽量利用我们拥有的一切。(位于句末)He always participated to the best of his ability in whatever they were doing. 他总是尽量参加他们所做的任何事情。(位于句中)

2021-12-24 14:03 回答问题


2021-12-24 10:31 回答问题

wellness为形容词well的派生名词,意思是“健康”,与health同义,许多英语词典直接用 health 或 the state of being healthy 来解释 wellness。从用法上看,wellness 主要用于美国英语。请看以下来自原版词典的截图:

2021-11-02 23:50 回答问题

同意曹老师的看法,网友句子中的介词of表示“活动或情况的持续时间”。请看《麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典》在 of 词条第20款的解释used for stating the type of activity or situation that lasts for a particular period of time (用于说明某一活动或情况的持续时间)We had weeks of problems with the new computer system. 我们的新电脑系统好几个星期都有问题。Twelve years of peace were followed by two years of war. 12年的和平之后是两年的战争。 另外,网友在问题中提及的两种用法,意思相同,只是表达形式不同。

2021-11-02 22:40 回答问题

网友说得对,the way 后面确实是省略了 in which,并且这个 in which 是可以补上去的。即:Many sound effects might not be made in the way you would expect.=Many sound effects might not be made in the way in which you would expect.网友说没有查到加上 in which 的例句。我给你一个例子:Animals are not moral beings in the way in which humans appear to be. 动物辨别是非的方式不像人类所表现的那样。(《朗文多功能分类词典》p340)另外,这类用法不仅可以省略 in which,而且还可以省略介词in:Many sound effects might not be made in the way you would expect.= Many sound effects might not be made the way you would expect.(这里的 the way 起从属连词的作用)

2021-11-02 22:23 回答问题

是的,celebration 可以表示“一场庆祝活动”,如果用复数形式 celebrations,它就是表示“多场庆祝活动”。

2019-09-09 21:26 回答问题

不想做某事是:Don't want to do,其中的 don't 是否定 want to do,而不是否定不定式 to do;决定不做某事是:Decide not to do sth,其中的 not 是否定不定式 to do sth。比较:I didn't decide to sell it. 我没有决定要卖掉它。I decided not to sell it. 我决定不卖掉它。

2019-09-09 21:22 回答问题

no different 与 not different 在意义上没什么区别,但用 no 语气更强,更强调。比较:This is not different from that. 这个与那个没有差别。This is no different from that. 这个与那个完全一样。注:no different from=the same as。

2019-09-09 21:15 回答问题

There is more to sb /sth than meets the eye. 是英语中一个常用句式,注意eye 用单数,而不是用复数。字面意思是:某人或某事比一眼看上去具有更多内涵。可根据具体语境翻译成:某人或某事并非表面上看起来那么简单;某人或某事并非如此;某人不可貌相;There is more to this proposal than meets the eye. 这项提议并不像当初看上去那么简单。This whole business is very puzzling. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye. 整件事非常令人费解,远比看起来复杂。People think of Bradford as a dull industrial city, but there is more to it than meets the eye. 人们都以为布拉德福德适一个沉闷的工业城市,其实并非如此。It looks like a simple case of burglary, but there may be more to it than meets the eye. 这案子看上去像起纯粹的盗窃案,但也许并不是这么简单。I didn’t know he wrote poetry.—Yes, he also does painting. There’s more to him than meets the eye. 我不知道他会写诗。——是呀 他还会画画呢,他这个人不可貌相啊。

2019-08-31 21:26 回答问题
