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2024-10-31 11:36 回答问题

利用碎片化的时间找了一些正式出版物上的原句,给大家看看,请特别注意后面几句,确实是19世纪的。直接上:1.-"Wilson, let me alone." She said calmly.-"It is too late." I defended my self.-"I'm not going to get out even to tell you something."-"But you have promised to me."-"When time comes I shall do that, but not now. I still need time to think."2.-"...When I had no more to give him he left me to misery and destitution. I heard that he had money, and I wrote to him — I confess it to my shame — for aid and assistance, but my letter remained unanswered. Then I felt that I had fallen low enough, and only desired to die." "But you have promised to live," cried George eagerly.3.The next morning he was waiting at the bottom of the stairs when Esteban appeared:“We’re starting when you’re ready,” said the Captain. The strange glitter hadreturned to the boy’s eyes. He blurted out: “No, I’m not coming. I’m not coming after all.”“Aie! Esteban! But you have promised me that you would come.”“It’s impossible. I can’t come with you,” and he turned back up the stairs.4." Anna, what were you thinking of?"She raised her ghastly face and looked up in my eyes." Of how nice it would be, if you would let me die," she said." But you have promised me."5."And remember how I told you once before, it is easy to make a promise."The heart-broken wife begged the priest to come and speak to her husband. The priest came. The banker received him with every mark of respect and kindness. But on one point he was immoveable; he would not allow his children to be Catholics."But you have promised. And a man who has any sense of honor any self-respect, will keep his promise."6.“The man is a heathen. - You are lending them solely because he is your relative. And these are Christian men: My servants.”Immediately he confessed his mistake ; telling the Lord he would not send the men.“But you have promised,” came the answer.7.He told his secretary that he thought he would not fill the engagement.“But you have promised.” “Well, telephone them that I can’t come, if you want to, but anyway, I am not going.”8.“He said, ‘I wish you hadn’t made me promise to tell you the truth,’ and Charles said, ‘But you have promised. What is the truth?’ 9.“ Chapo, I cannot marry you,” she said.“ But you have promised!” She shook a stubborn head.“ What have I done?” he asked.“You have done nothing. You are a saint to me; but marry you—no, no, no!”

2024-10-29 10:00 回答问题

第1句是很少见的用法,几乎绝迹,你自己也说了,没什么好讨论的。第2句这个问题记得以前也有人在论坛上问过。should用在if从句中一般有两种,一种是真实条件句(见亚历山大的朗文语法),一种是非真实条件句,你的这句是非真实条件句,即说话人心里明白“他明天不回来”,关于这种,章的书讲的有点绕,可以参见剑桥语法第1000页有说明,也举了例。第3句其实就是should表示“可能性”,如果用will当然可以,只是will表示的可能更大。注意这种should的用法可以用于任何人称,不限于你我他,“物”作主语也可以。1.The hippo that is standing next to the girrafe should be leaving soon. 2.My luggage should be leaving Denmark.

2024-09-30 11:17 回答问题

这是一个经久不衰的问题。一般的说法是加不加the与把winter看成周期性发生的现象还是作为一年的某个组成部分(一段时间)有关系。可是问题在于这样的说法似乎不能解释众多的语言现象。所以或许我们可以反过来想,有没有不能加the的情况?确实有一种情况:Spring has come round again.这里不用The spring,这句话只能是把spring理解为一种周期性发生的现象。Wood博士曾经说:“when we are thinking of those things which we associate with the season, such as weather, temperature, the appearance of the countryside, etc.Thus in speaking of the spell of warm sunny weather we are enjoying just now (mid-October 1954) we should say "It is almost like summer."”这在当时确实是很有见地的观点。遗憾的是在当代来看,这一规则似乎已经被打破,上面这句的summer前加the的屡见不鲜,老美总是不按常理出牌。回到问题上来,第2句winter后有of 1988修饰,那winter指的是一年中特定的组成部分,所以要加the,这个依据可以参看“A communicative grammar of English第3版”第669节:“Names of seasons may have the article omitted <esp. BrE>: I last saw her in (the) spring. BUT: in the spring of 1999 (see 83).”似乎问题完美解决,可惜还是有例外,我觉得美式英语并不遵守这个规则:1.Mr. Altuzarra, 27, is one of the fortunate ones. Since mounting his first show in winter of 2009, he has been lionized, and scrutinized, by a novelty-famished fashion community.(纽约时报20110209)2.In winter of 1993, a pheasant came to my home.所以第1句也不能算错。至于3,4两句用了两个介词短语,这没什么好解释的,都是正确的。总结说,就是注意类似这句Spring has come round again.不能加the。加了the有一种认为一年中不止有一个春季的意味。

2024-09-20 12:50 回答问题

谢谢奉国平网友提醒!Swan的第4版关于enough在第450节和171节这两个地方,分开讨论了!谈谈这一类的enough的问题。一开始我看到网友这个问题就觉得跟我看到的具体实例不符合,原来是Swan的一个说法,遗憾的是Swan简单描述了一下,就没往细里说,导致我们的理解出现偏差。大彭老师说“enough做表语时(Swan说的without a noun,单独用),其主语通常应该是表示数量或隐含有数量意义”,这种说法当然是靠谱的,但除此之外,如果是语境比较清楚的情况下,也是没问题的:1.This food is enough for our needs. (Longman lexicon of contemporary English1981)2.That noise is enough to waken the dead! (Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English1981)3.“There are enough people talking about the bad things in that part of the world. It’s time for some good. The food is enough.” I surprise myself with the forcefulness of my answer.(2015)4.The stuffed parrots and Nicaraguan knickknacks add an air of festivity, but the food is enough to get the party started. 5.An INGO has a truck with perishable food in a region where starvation is widespread. The food is enough to protect up to 800 people from premature death.6.We gained the support we needed to keep us on track. We love our new healthy eating plan. The food is enough to satisfy the whole family, including our two teenage children.7.When the two orders came, the two gentlemen felt ashamed of themselves. The meat was enough for four or five people. 8.We Esquimaux think only of our stores of food; shall we have enough meat for the long winter or not? If the meat is enough, we have no need to think about anything else. 9.Earl’s father eked out a living by chopping wood during the day and hunting at night. In those days, the cured animal hides brought in ten cents apiece and the meat was enough to fill his children’s stomachs.10. If properly stored and distributed using the appropriate technology, the meat is enough to feed 300,000 starving people year round.11.A recipe in a cookery book will tell us that the dish is enough for four persons, and a notice in a bus will announce that only six persons are allowed to stand when all the seats are full. (Wood博士)12.That noise is enough to drive me demented! (Chambers Universal Learners Dictionary1980)13.The sight is enough to break your heart. (Concise Oxford American Dictionary(2006))14.The price of these tickets is enough to make anyone gag. (Longman Advanced American Dictionary第3版) 15.Living with my parents is enough to screw anybody up.((Longman Advanced American Dictionary第3版))16.The music industry, with its inside deals and wheels within wheels, is enough to confuse the toughest business minds. (Longman American idioms dictionary1999)17.The smell of his cooking is enough to stink us all out!(Longman dictionary of contemporary English1984)18.This lousy weather is enough to put anyone off camping.(Longman dictionary of contemporary English第3版)19.At my age, the walk into town is enough to invigorate me.(Longman dictionary of contemporary English第5版)20.The money that I earn is enough to meet our basic needs.(Oxford American dictionary for learners of English2011)21.The money is enough for food and little else. The family has meat one day a week, and soup, beans and potatoes the rest of the week.22.The look on his face is enough to set you off!(Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English I Verbs With Prepositions and Particles)23.That assignment is enough to make me lose my reason.(The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms2013)24.The mess in his office is enough to turn your stomach, but in fact he works very well.(朗文英汉双解英语成语辞典)25.The noise is enough to drive one mad.(现代英语用法词典修订版张道真)26.The traffic problem is enough to give a policeman gray hairs.(英语习语大词典武汉大学出版)27.The noise of his motorbike is enough to wake the dead.(英语习语大词典武汉大学出版)28.The story of his sufferings is enough to make your blood run cold.(英语搭配大辞典小日本)29.The monotony of prison life is enough to drive anyone insane.(Longman Language Activator第2版)有些实例并没有完整列出上下文,篇幅影响。  

2024-09-13 10:42 回答问题


2024-08-18 01:16 回答问题

陈老师这发帖是要把我架在火上烤,开玩笑!我也是打算回应一下奉国平网友的问题!我在另一个贴的评论部分写的很简要,可能是一个人独处的太久,就不愿多说话。现将那小段评论做个附图说明:1.这是个历史问题。a play of Shakespeare 和 a play of Shakespeare's的历史可以用下面这章图的文字来说明(来自于1976年Verbatim第3卷第一期上的):2.随着时间的推进,渐渐出现了一些变化(English Prepositions-Their Meanings and Uses2021)3.陈老师举了a book of的两本书上的说法,我再补充一个:(Correct Your English Errors by Tim Collins2018)总结而言:双重所有格所修饰的名词(即of前的名词)通常和不定冠词及some,any等表示数量的词连用,表示其中之一或表示其中一部分,但不可以和定冠词the或是one连用。且of后面的名词一般要是指人。至于说这一种“that little son of your uncle's”怎么说?那已经不是我们这个贴讨论的范围。有人说要是要用the怎么办,那就不用所有格形式,如the plays of Shakespeare也是正确的,所以(the)selected works of Deng Xiaoping是正确的形式而加“’”相反错了是这个原因,这也不是多高深的东西。至于说如今在报章杂志上还是能见到a play of Shakespeare的形式,也不足为奇,可能是历史的列车刹不住,你说不行,人家就是用!

2024-07-16 13:41 回答问题

简要说说,需要自己研究体会!分析1,2句需要再加个0句对比看:0)          Before he entered the institute, Jim served in the army.0句和1句的意思几乎没有差别,细微的差别在于1句的时间先后顺序非常清晰,哪是then,哪是before then很清楚,仅此而已。第2句的意思是He had not (yet) entered the institute when he served in the army.至于说在服役之后是否会entered the institute从这句话中看不出来,可能会可能不会,不会的可能大点。而第一句却很明显的表明服役之后entered the institute会发生。Quirk把这种before从句中用过去完成时的用法说成nonfactual(第1020页),可以类比条件句中的过去完成用法,而Declerck的观点和Quirk的差不多。剑桥语法也解释过这种,它是从动词的体出发来解释的,可以看看。以上分析纯属语法分析,在实际的语境中差异很小。第3,4句我写过一个文章,你在论坛上搜一下看看,好理解。第5句是个经常被人拿出来讨论的例子,错误倒没有,原句出自章振邦的那本书。其实也很简单,过去完成时有一个现在完成时没有的用法,就是可以直接接具体的过去时间点。只是这一句被单独拎出来又没有语境就觉得有点突兀。可以在句尾加一个before,这样表达清楚点!举几个例子:6)In 1960 I had never been on a yacht before and I loved every minute of it.7)Back in 1966, I had never been surprised in my life, but the staff at Providence Hospital really surprised me. 8)Just six years ago, in 1970, I had never been inside a casino in my life.   

2024-05-20 14:03 回答问题

看到这个,让我想起论坛的刘永科老师,他审定过一本书,叫新编英语语法教程(广西师范大学出版),知道这本书的可能不多,在第364页,what和who都可以作为先行词并举了几个例子,关于who作为先行词的描述的书很多,而描述what作为先行词的极少。张满胜的那个驾驭语法书上也有描述过,在第78页,可以看看,举了一个例子:What was it you started to tell me in the restaurant that you didn’t understand about me?,他把这种归类为双层定语从句,也说的过去。what的这种用法不论口语还是书面语还算并不少见!没时间,你自己悟吧!

2023-09-15 17:39 回答问题

这个内容是PEU第4版上的吧!我觉得你的问题可能只是个惯用法的问题。make clear和make glad和make public是一个路子,都是省略it更为常见。还有一种情况是这种:Don’t consider impossible what is really possible.后面是wh-词尤其是what引导的从句时。第3,4句都可以不要that,少见而已。1.They told me about what Geoff had said,but I thought it strange (that) he didn’t mention money.2.I heard it said he called them robbers.都有出处的,你自己可以找找,要赶着下班,买菜去!

2023-03-02 18:53 回答问题

时间有限,只说说你提的第一个问题,即不定式的独立主格结构的特点。这种结构在当代很少见,主要见于小说文体中,一般置于句尾,仅仅表示的是将来的意义(接着主句的动作发生)。1.They hold monthly concerts, the money to be devoted to charity.2.Books borrowed must be returned when due, the defaulter to pay a fine of 5 cents per book per day.3.Mrs. Roden went to Poland yesterday, her husband to join her next week.4.The caul was put up in a raffle, the winner to pay five shillings.— Dickens写过这样的句子。那如果加个with形成with+不定式独立主格结构又是什么用法?这种用法当代就见的比较多了,一般表示两个意义:一是原因,二是伴随,这可能与with这个介词的意义有关:5.With so many debts to pay off, he’ll just have to keep his nose to the grindstone for the next few years.(原因)6.Miss Heythorp is below, Sir, with a carriage to take you home.(伴随)也就是说加with和不加with表示的意义不同,这是不定式独立主格结构的很特殊的地方。一定要和你的第2,3个问题区别开来。回过头看看你的问题:Here are the first two volumes, the third one to come out next month很明显是表示的将来的意义,故不能改为:Here are the first two volumes, with the third one to come out next month?With plenty of homework to do(最好不要用被动式to be done,因为主句的主语是Tom,家庭作业是Tom要去完成的,用主动), Tom will have to stay up tonight.很明显是表原因,若换成:Plenty of homework to do, Tom will have to stay up tonight?有两个问题,一是意义不对,上面说了。二是不定式独立主格结构置于句首几乎没有见到,而且置于句首的话如何表示“接着主句的动作发生而表现将来的意义”?我也注意到国内出的某本语法书上有这种写法的,但我个人不太认同,也没有在国外资料上找到类似这样的。其他的2个问题相对比较简单,可以参考的资料比较多,论坛上我也提过,别的老师也有回答,自行研究就行了。