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2020-12-07 19:42 回答问题

不可以。介词 with 后面不可以接句子的。

2020-12-06 23:35 回答问题

请问各位老师,在 The unusual history of these people has subjected them to unique evolutionary pressures.这句话中,to unique evolutionary pressures 是状语还是宾补?答案上说是宾补,但是在 them 和其后的成分之间加 be,变为 They are to unique evolutionary pressures 似乎说不通, 不符合宾补的判断方法。——你的理解是对的,这里的 to unique evolutionary pressures 是状语,不是宾补。 同样的,还有 In single-sex schools, teachers can tailor lessons to boy's learning style, letting them move around classroom and getting them to compete in teams to prevent boredom. 这句话中,to boy's learning style 是宾补还是状语?答案给的也是宾补。但我觉得还是状语,因为 lessons are to boy's learning style. 意思根本说不通。——你的理解是对的,这里的 to boy's learning style 是状语,不是宾补。 I painted the table red.—— The table was red. 这句就非常典型,说明 red 是 the table 的补语。——是的,这里的 red 是宾补。 再有,I found the book under the table.中,under the table 做状语可以理解,做宾补也可以——The book was under the table. 那么,under the table 到底做什么成分呢?——你的看不对,这里的 under the table 只能是宾补,不宜分析为状语。因为,如果分析为状语,它是修饰动词的,则表示 found 这个动作是在“桌子下发生的”,这不太符合事实。

2020-12-06 23:27 回答问题

你的第一个句子有问题: 误:I like the book that is fond of. 正:I like the book he is fond of. 你的第一个句子应在 that is 之间插入必要的主语,如he, she 等。 第二个句子是对的,可视为 he 前面省略了that或which。

2020-12-06 15:21 回答问题

在通常情况下,seriously hurt 应该是表示身体受到伤害。一般说来,当 hurt 用于本义,表示身体上的“受伤”“疼痛”,此时通常通常连用的副词修饰语有 badly, seriously, slightly 等。如:Were you badly hurt? 你伤得厉害吗?No one was seriously hurt in the accident. 事故中无人受重伤。She was slightly hurt when she fell off the ladder. 她从梯子上跌下染吋受了轻伤。若 hurt 用于引申义,表示感情上的“伤害”,此时通常连用的副词修饰语有deeply, extremely, really, terribly, very (much), greatly 等。如:Roy seemed deeply hurt by this remark. 看起来这句话深深刺痛了罗伊。She declared herself extremely hurt by his lack of support. 她说自己非常伤心,因为他没有得到支持。Andy was terribly hurt by his first marriage. 安迪在自己的第一次婚姻中受到了深深的伤害。

2020-12-01 20:00 回答问题

疑问一:正常的比较状语从句不是应该是:Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than easter Nebraska does. 不明白为什么把does提前?答:下面两句都正确——即用不用倒装都可以,用倒装更正式:Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than does easter Nebraska.Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than easter Nebraska does.但是注意,这两句中的 does 用法不一样:第一句的 does 是助动词,构成部分倒装句;第二句的 does 为代动词,相当于 疑问二:Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than easter Nebraska receives (省略宾语). 这样可以吗?答:写成Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than easter Nebraska receives也可以,注意receives后面的宾语习惯上要省略,因为与主句的 snow 形成对比。

2019-07-17 07:55 回答问题

查了一下朗文词典,其上注明 written 用作形容词时只用于名词前作定语:

2019-07-16 22:34 回答问题

learn 表示“获悉,得知,听到”时,其后通常接从句。如:Last week she learned that she was pregnant. 上个星期她得知自己怀孕了。I later learnt (that) the message had never arrived. 我后来听说从来就没有收到过那个消息。We were very surprised to learn (that) she had got married again. 我们听说她又结婚了,感到很惊讶。 若后接名词或代词作宾语,则通常要接介词 of(有时也接 about)。如:The wider world learned of his illness months after he told his family. 他把病情告诉了家人的多个月后外界才知道。He learned about his appointment by telephone yesterday. 昨天他从电话里得知自己被任命的消息。表示通过……得知,通常用介词 through:I learned of the job through friends.  我通过朋友得知那份工作。Bob learned of the contract through a story in the newspaper. 鲍勃从报纸上的一则报道知道了这个合同。

2019-07-16 22:09 回答问题

Is this letter written in pen?句中虽然没有出现动词的执行者(因为没有必要提及而被省略了),但其中的 written 是过去分词(=被写),不是形容词。又如下面句子中的 written 也是过去分词:You could see he was guilty; it was written all over his face. 你能看出他内心有愧,他脸上明明白白地写着呢。written 用作形容词时,意思是“书面的”“正式的”“成文的”等。如:written instructions  书面指示 a written apology  书面道歉 a written contract  书面合同 a written exam 笔试

2018-05-03 12:08 回答问题

在通常情况下,我们不宜直接在疑问词后面接不定式来构成特殊疑问句。 《牛津英语用法指南》第286节指出:直接疑问句通常不以 How to...?, What to...? 等开头。在疑问词之后,我们常用 shall 和 should。如:How shall I tell her? 我该怎样告诉她?(不能说:How to tell her?)What shall we do? 我们要做什么?(不能说:What to do?)Who should I pay? 我该把钱付给谁?(不能说:Who to pay?) 但章振邦的《新编英语语法》则认为:下面这种用法也属非正式语体,但不带感情色彩:What to do? Where to go? 这里的to 不能省略,可以理解为是 What are we to do? / Where are we to go? 等句子的省略形式。 可见,网友的“误”句即使算作“正”,也属非正式语体,作为学生,建议还是不要模仿这样的“非正式用法”。 不过仍有两点需要注意:1. why后面接不定式(不带to)构成疑问句,则属正常用法。如:Why argue with her? 为什么要跟她争论呢?Why not go there at once? 为什么不马上去那儿呢?2. 在标题或广告宣传语中,这类“疑问词+不定式”的用法也属正常用,比如在一些原版书的前面几页,我们经常可以看到 How to Use This Book(如何使用这本书)这样的标题。

2018-05-03 07:34 回答问题

This book is worthy of being read.不可以去掉句子中的 being,因为 read 虽然可以用作名词,但用作名词的 read 通常要与不定冠词连用,所以如果要去掉 being,则要加上不定冠词,如说成:This book is worthy of a read.也可以说成:This book is worth a read.类似例句:I’ll go home and have a read. 我要回家看看书。Can I have a read of your paper? 我可以看一下你的报纸吗?Can I have a read of that timetable? 我可以看一下那张时间表吗?