类似地,他争辩道:“像 Guitar Hero 这类用新的控制器而不是普通的按钮和摇杆来操控的游戏正在通过强调其社交属性来拓宽游戏本身的吸引力,因为这类游戏很容易上手且可以和好友一同参与。“Guitar Hero” and other games 主语 that use new kinds of controller, rather than the usual buttons and joysticks&nbs...
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bear vt 生孩子born在这里不是形容词,是bear的过去分词形式be born with...be born to do...be born doing...be born + adj这些形式都可以,翻译为生来...或注定....
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While discovering Quebéc's highlights you'll be zigzagging between the walled Upper Town and the Lower Town, so jump on the funicular or take the L'Escalier Casse-Cou, the " Breakneck Stairs" which is less scary than it sounds.探访魁北克的主要景点时,您将会...
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more than two but not many强调了大于两个。来源:lexico.com (powered by OXFORD)
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应该选 A. designated 译为 指定吸烟区先看两个官方网站的例子1. 在高校内,任何人不得在校园指定吸烟区以外区域吸烟。Also, smoking is banned outside of designated smoking areas in colleges. 来源:china.org.cn2. 通风不足、没有指定的非吸烟区标志和禁止18岁以下的人...
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题目有些不严谨,通常来讲,形容词做状语要用逗号与前句隔开:spend a considerable amount of time running up and down the tracks, vacant, or nearly so.(vacant 做 running 的状语)这样就好选择多了。
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this attraction to eyes...... 理解为 this attraction (for babies)to eyes 即 眼睛对婴幼儿的吸引力。抛开这个,单独分析选项:你可以 acquire,develop or form an attachment,获得,发展出或形成一种依恋情绪但不能 acquire,develop or form an attraction,获得,发展出或形成一种吸引力当sb做主语时,只能“感受f...
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选B。搭配问题,没有be in assembly 和 be in convention这种搭配。be in session表示开会,开庭,开始上课,有“开始”的动作含义。而be in conference仅表示在会议中,在开会。原文中本意应为“国会要到来年春天开会时讨论问题”,若填入be in conference则意思为“国会要到来年春天开会中讨论问题”,不符合逻辑。选C。若选B m...
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