He Qingyi
He Qingyi
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2020-08-28 14:35 回答问题

Of the 535,000 women who died in childbirth or from pregnancy-related complications in 2005, 99% were in developing countries, according to another report by a group of UN agencies, including WHO, also out this week.解答:主体句式: 99% were in developing country.结构分析: 这是一个复合句,由of构成的介词短语是句子主语的定语,该介词短语中有一个who引导的定语从句修饰名词women;according to构成的介词短语是句子的状语,在该状语中also out this week是report的补语。句子译文: 而根据本周联合国机构(包括世界卫生组织)的一个组织的另外一个报道,2005年死于生产或怀孕相关并发症的53万5千名妇女中,99%是在发展中国家。

2020-07-31 23:31 回答问题

1.  B. The idea of retirement is a new one.2.  CNG and LPG would meet the second objective.3.   It's not easy to solve problems posed by mass tourism.4.  CAI lacks a way letting teachers and students communication.5.  I'm qualified to purchase a gun.

2020-07-27 21:37 回答问题

hyphen 的有无? 在书上常见有时写to-day,to-morrow,有时又写today, tomorrow,不知这两种写法到底有何不同:并请说明hyphen (连字号)的正确用途。 【解答】在英文的写法上,有由繁趋简的倾向,原来是两个单字,进一步用连字号把它们联在一块儿,最后索性把它们写成一个字,如head ache, head-ache, headache. 以及 school house, school-house, schoolhouse 等皆是。可知除去hyphen 而写成一字的,是最后发展出来的形式。在某英文课本上有句云:One is a steamship and the other is a sailing-ship. (一个是汽船,另一个是帆船。)句中的steamship 是已经发展到最后阶段,变成一字了,而sailing-ship则还在中途,只是将两个单字用连字号联结为一个复合字罢了。fountain-pen 也是同样的情形,分为二字写似已过时,写成一字又还太早。现在比较年纪大点的人,多少带点保守性,喜欢写to-day, to-morrow, to-night 的形式,但年轻的一辈就爱摒弃hyphen而简单地写成一字了。至于hyphen的用法,可分下列各条来说明:(l)形成复合字:如 brother in-law. go-between, hanger-on, home-made, good-for-nothing. stick-in-the-mud, 尚有极端的,例如:There is a sort of Oh-what-a-wicked-world-this-is-and-how-l-wish-l-could-do-something-to-make-it-better-and-nobler.(2)将好几个字联成一个形容词:如 four-month-old baby. The never-say-die party. go-as-you-please methods, devil-may-care expression. up-to-date infor-mation, a twenty-dollar-a-week clerk, a when-l-was-in-the States attitude.(3)接合形容词与名词,而产生字面以外的意义:如 black bird(黑色羽毛的鸟)变成black-bird (或blackbird)(山岛)。red coat (红衣)变成red-coat (英国兵)。(4)两个分别发音的,相同的母音之间:如co-opt, pre-empt, re-elect, co-operation.(5)当re加上动词,避免和有此前缀的复合字混同:如recover (恢复)recreate(体养)re-cover(再覆盖)re-create(再造)(6)在固有名词前加前缀时;如pro-Chinese, pre-Christian, anti-Christ(7)把用文字写出的数目字分开:如twenty-three, thirty-fifth, ninety-nine, five-and-twenty,但 one hundred and one 却不要。(8) 当分数用文字写出时:如 five-sixths, five-fourteenths, four and two-thirds.(9) 用 a 作前缀加在动名词前时:如 a-fishing, a-sighing, a-sobbing.(10)当一个字分成两行写时:如 know-ledge, re-ported, state-ments, ac-tion.

2020-07-26 10:33 回答问题

around 和 round 用法的区别【解答】这两字在英语中原来是有分别的: around表示静的周国, round表示动的周围,即 around是围坐,围炉,围着不动的意思,而 round便是环绕着走,所以round要和表动作的动词连用,而 around则和表不动的动词连用。例如:We sat around the fire. (我们围炉面坐。)The earth moves round the sun. (地球绕日面行。)不过这种分别也并不显著,因为混用的时候很多,尤其是在英国用 round的场合美国惯用于 around,例如“环游世界八十日一部美国电影,便名 Around the World in 80 Days, 英文是应该用 round the world的, 如说 Drake sailed round the world 之类。又英国人说的 He lives just round the corner of this street, (他就住在这街的转角处。)美国人也要说成 He lives just around the corner of this street. 代 about 用的时候仍是美国 around 英国用 round, 如:He will be back round (around) noon. (他指在中年光景回来。)He is ready to pay somewhere round ( 美around) $3, 000 for a car.(他准备随时付出大约三千元买一辆车。) 至于 around一字在美国话中作介词的用法有:(1)规避,回避。How can we get around that regulation? (我们要怎样才能规避那条规则呢?) 许多动词和 around结合时,都可发生“回避”的意思。如:detour around (迁回绕道), squeak around(侥幸避开), shunt around(回避), shy around(避开), squirm around(扭曲) 等等。此外说find (see) a way around (找寻规避的方法),take a way around(采取回避步骤)等,也是表同样意思的片语。例如:A legal way around the situation would be found.(可以找到避免这种情形的法律上的手段。Is there any way around or through the dilemma?(有什么可以规避或突破这种难关的方法吗?)Farmer Washington did not approve of slavery: he inherited it, like the land, and couldn’t find a way around it.(农夫华盛顿原是不赞成奴隶制度的;只因这种制度象土地一样,他从先人那里继承了下来,无法摆脱。)F-86 jets, built in Canada around United States engines and instruments, will go to England.(避免采用美国的机器和器具,在加拿大建造的F-86型喷气机将送往英国去。)But while his brain was taking the long way around his body was working fast.(但是当他的头脑正在想着怎样脱离险境的时候,他的身体也敏捷地移动了。)(2)服务,工作。Birdie has been around the major league for 15 years and knows the hitter far better than I do.(白蒂在职业棒球协会服务了十五年,知道击球者的情形比我多得多。)In return, Belcher helped Stanley around the government, helped his friends get licenses for construction work on a resort hotel…(作为报答起见,贝尔丘帮忙史丹雷到政府供职,又帮助他的朋友获得休养地旅馆建筑工程的执照……。)(3)近于;在近处;近……时;差不多。到处。It (investigation) may enable the citizen to find his way around the government bureaucracy without either a guide or a guardian.(调査可以帮助市民在没有指导者或监护人的情况下也能了解官厅的情形。) 句中 to find one’s way around意为理解。He’d make a good ambassador. He certainly knows his way around there.(他会成为一个好大使的。他确是熟知那边的情形。)句中 to know one' s way around(英国说 to know one’s way about)意为熟悉,精通。It was the face of a man around sixty. (那是一个六十岁光景的人的面孔。)He likes to roam around the country. (他喜欢在田野间到处漫步。)His father left him around a million dollars. (他父亲留给他差不多有一百万元。)He asked me to come here around ten o' clock. (他要我十点左右来这里。)Don’t come around here. (不要到附近来。)(4)关于。There will be a debate around this problem. (将举行这个问题的讨论会。) 附带让我们看看 around一字在美国作副词用时有些什么意义:(1)交际:He wasn’t a comfortable person to be around,(他不是一个使人同他交往时感到愉快的人。)(2)居留:They act like people who don't plan to be around very long.他们的行为好象那些不打算长住的人们一样。)(3)存在His night club and Japanese partner are still around. (他的夜总会仍然存在,那日本合伙人也仍然在职。(4)饱经世故;经验丰富的:The most common occupational disease of movie actresses -- especially those who have been around as long as Stanwyck --is megalocephalia, otherwise known as swelled head. (女电影明星的最普通的职业病,尤其是象史丹维克那样的经验丰富的女明星,就是巨头症,这是自大狂的别名。)

2020-07-26 10:03 回答问题

have no brother 及 have no brothers 请说明下列三句英语的不同及在no后接名词时单复数的用法。 (a)I have no brother. (b)I have no brothers. (c)I have not a brother.【解答】 在no后接不可数(uncountable)的事物时,是用单数, 如: I have( or there is)no water( money, bread, hope, difficulty)。所以凡是不可数的名词,一概都用单数。成为问题的是那些可数的名词( countable noun),如问句中提出 other之类。在“no+名词”而成为动词have的宾语时,也有种种不同的情形,现分别加以说明如下。例如一把茶壶普通只有一个壸盖,在这种情形下,说这茶壶没有壶盖”时,当然是以用单数为原则:This teapot has no lid. 同此类的,都用单数,如:That cat has no tail. He has no father.普通一个人只带一只手表,出门只带一架照相机I have no watch. He has no camera至于树上的叶子必然是很多的,飞蚂蚁的翼翅必然是成双的,人的牙齿也有三十个以上,所以当然都要用复数名词:That tree has no leaves.  The ant has no wings.My grandmother has no teeth.说到 brother这样的名词,就很难讲了,因为有人只有一个哥哥或一个弟弟,有人则有好几个兄弟,实在没有一定,所以问句中的(a)例 既可以说,(b)例也可以说,没有一点什么不同。把no后接的名词,用作单数或复数,全在说话者当时的感触,如果他觉得对方只有一个兄弟他就用单数名词;如果他觉得对方可能兄弟很多他就用复数名词。二者并没有不同之处,只是反映说话者的意识而已。再举同样情形的例如下:She has no child (or children).I have no sister (or sisters).We have no egg (or eggs) left.至于(a)及(b) I have no brother(s)与(c) I have not a brother两句,意思是有些不同的。(a)或(b)句只是说“我无兄弟”,而(c)句则语气要强得多,可译成“我连一个兄弟也没有”。There is no (= not any) man who can do it.(普通)There is not a man who can do it. (强调)I have no book(s). (普通)I have not a book. (强调)There was no egg in the nest. (普通)There was not an egg in the nest. (强调)如果不是用在动词have之后,或由 there is开头的句中而是用于be动词的场合,意思又不同了。He is not a teacher.意为“他不是教书的”,他可能是公务员,也可能是商人等等。He is no teacher意为“他不是一个好教师,他教书简直不成。这句比上句意思强得多。He is not a poet. (他不是诗人,可能是小说家等。)He is no poet. (他算不得什么诗人。)He is not a fool:(他不是一个笨人)He is no tool. (他很聪明。)It is not a joke. (这不是笑话。)It is no joke. (这可不是开玩笑的。)He is not a scholar. (他不是学者。)He is no scholar. (他不学无术。)I am not a coward. (我非胆怯。)I am no coward. (我很胆大。)在 there is之后,“no+名词”的单数或复数,和在动词have后的情形一样,可单可复,例如:There is no stove in my room.因一间房子中通常只装个炉子,所以用单数。There are no books on the shelf.因书架上通常要放许多本书,故用复数。如果那名词的数,通常可单可复,则说:There is no bottle on the table. 或There are no bottles on the table皆可。在have以外的动词,也可照此原则办理,例如:I saw no dog(s).He wears no tie.She wears no earrings.此题给你解答过。

2020-07-26 09:59 回答问题

engage in,be engaged in,engage to 有什么区别?怎么使用?[解答]engage in 意为“参知,从事干”、和 take part in意思相间、例如:If you engage in local politics, you cannot expect to have much time for your family. 如果你投入本地的政治生活,你就不可能有更多的时间顾及家庭。I have no time to engage in gossip, so please don't come to me with your rumours and complains. 我没时间参加你们的闲聊,请不要把我牵涉到你们的传闻和抱怨中去。The prize-winning senator first engaged in politics at the age of twenty. 那位获奖的参议员在20岁就开始从事政治活动。 be engaged in 意为“忙着(做某事)”,“从事干”.例如:Those men are behaving very suspiciously. They are engaged in some fishy business. I will be bound.那些人的行为非常可疑,他们是从事一些渔业生意的,我敢肯定。I have been engaging in teaching for more than three years.我从事教育事业已有三年多了。They are engaged in planning their summer trip.他们忙着计划夏 engage to意为“与……订婚”“约定“允诺”,例如:I was engaged to Susan last month.我与苏珊上个月订了婚,He engaged himself to pay back the money.他答应速钱。I am engaged to the dinner. 我有约参加宴会。The company had engaged to finish the project by June. 公司允诺在六月份之前完成那个项目。此题给你答过。

2020-07-25 21:23 关注了问题

2020-07-25 21:15 回答问题

already 和yet 的区别是什么? 下面两句英文在意义上不知有何不同; (a)Have you seen it already? (b)Have you seen it yet?【解答】照一般规则, yet用于问句, already用于陈叙句,如果把 already也用在问句中,往往有惊讶的意味。(b)例是普通问句的说法,是问对方是否已经看过,而(a)例则表示惊讶,为什么这样快就看过了。例如马戏班来此表演刚第一天见报,而你就已经看过了,真想不到。代替yet用于问句或否定句中的 already,意思还是一样, 不过多表示一点惊讶而已,再举例句如下Is he back already? ( already= thus early) (他这样早就回来了吗?)Is it 10 o'clock already? (已经就有十点钟了吗?)You’re not leaving us already, are you? (你这样早就要走了吗?)再看 already正常用法的例:The train has already left. (already= by this time) (火车已经开走了。)When I called, he was already dressed. (already= by that time) (当我到他家时,他已经穿好衣服了。)I've been there already, so I don't want to go again.( already = previously; before now) (那里我已经去过,所以我不想再去了。)至于yet 的普通用法,可分下列各种:The work is not yet finished.(在否定句中yet= up to now; so far)(那工作还没有完工。)We have had no news from him yet. (我们到现在还没有接到他的消息。Need you go yet? (你就一定要去了吗?)Can’t you tell me yet? (yet=now)(你不能就告诉我吗?)Have you learned to swim yet? (你已经学会了游泳吗?)Be thankful you are yet alive.et=still) (你还活着,真是谢天谢地。)通常多用still。I have yet (= still) more exciting news for you. (我还有好的消息报告你。)It's the- best yet found. (到现在为止还没有见到比这更好的。)The enemy may win yet (=at some future time; before all is over), if we relax our efforts. (如果我们松懈下来,敌人还是可以得胜的。)As yet (=up to now or then) we have (had) not made any plans for the holidays.(我们至今[或到那时为止还没有做出什么度假的计划。)We shall not employ him nor yet his brother. (我们不雇用他,而且也不雇用他的兄弟。)You must work yet (=even) harder. (你必须要再接再厉才行。)I offered him still more, and yet he was not satisfied.(我对他说可以再多给些,而他还是未能满足。The logic seems sound, but yet it does not convince me.(尽管说得有理,但我还是不能信服。)

2020-07-25 20:52 回答问题

 ago, before作副词时有何不同的用法?作副词时,都有“以前”的意思。其用法区别如下,1. ago和一般过去时连用,表示现在以前的时间,一般不用于完成时态,但可用在情态动词加完成时不定式结构里,表示现在对过去某事的推测和判断。例如:Faber must have seen her a month ago.费伯一个月前一定见过她。2. before表示在早先或过去某时间的“以前”,也可泛指“从前”,用于在完成时、过去完成时或过去时。例如:I have read it before.I didn't know that before.比较:Herbert said that his mother had died five years before. (距他说话时五年)His mother died five years ago. (距现在五年)当before用作连词时,有如下几种用法:1.“在……之前”。例如:We do want to buy something now before prices go up.在物价涨之前,我们确实想买点东西。2. 引深为“与其……宁可……”。例如:He will starve before he will steal.他宁可饿死,也不愿偷。3.“…(之后)…”,主句一般是肯定句。例如:It will be five years before we meet again.五年后我们才会重新见面。It was evening before we reached the little town.到晚上我们才到达那个小镇。4.“(不多久)就…”,主句一般是肯定句。例如:It was not long before he told us about this affair.不多久他就给我们谈了此事。I hadn't waited long before he came.(=He came a short time afterI had begun to wait for him.) 我没等多久他就来了。

2020-07-17 21:24 回答问题

But then, in 1963, Sylvia Plath, a young American poet whom he had first met at Cambridge University in 1956, and who became his wife in the summer of that year, committed suicide.句子分析及翻译[解答]主体句式:But then Sylvia Plath committed suicide.结构分析:这是一个同位语带有定语从句的复合句。whom和who引导的两个定语从句修饰a young American poet,整体作为Sylvia Plath的同位语。句子译文:但是在1963年,西尔维亚·普拉斯自杀了,这个美国年轻诗人与他第一次见面是在1956年的剑桥大学,而当年夏天又成为了他妻子。(美国年轻诗人是女子)