龙  楠
龙 楠 - 英语教师
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2024-12-29 17:05 回答问题

句子的时态没有问题。它表示“说”发生在过去,用一般过去时;但“告诉”了好几十个人,用现在完成时,是强调现在已有好几十个人知道了。又如:She was born poor but she has worked hard to better. 她出身贫寒,但一直在努力上进。He was very angry, but he has quietened down now. 当时他十分生气,但现在已经平静下来了。We were thinking of selling the house but we have decided not to. 我们曾想卖掉这所房子,但现在已经决定不卖了。He was going to Britain next year but something has prevented it. 他曾打算明年去英国,但有一件事情让他去不成了。

2024-11-23 16:00 回答问题

句中with no access to the Internet 和 at home 都是介词短语作定语修饰 students。

2024-11-23 15:58 回答问题

网友应该知道 the rich, the poor, the old, the young 这类“定冠词+形容词”表示一类人的用法吧。你的句子中的 the less fortunate 就属于这类用法,它的意思是“不那么幸运的人”“穷(苦)人”:You should empathize with the less fortunate. 你应该体恤那些不那么幸运的人。We should all consider the plight of the less fortunate. 我们都应考虑到穷人的困境。The state provides textbooks for the less fortunate students. 该州为没那么幸运的学生们提供教材。

2024-10-14 10:57 回答问题

表示“指责…是…”“告发…是…”,可用denounce…as…,其中的as习惯上不能省略,也不能换成to be。如下面各句中的 as 均不宜省略,也不宜换成 to be:He denounced the election as a farce. 他谴责这次选举是一次闹剧。She denounced him as a male chauvinist pig. 她指责他是个可恶的大男子主乂者。His former followers now denounce him as a traitor. 他以前的拥护者现在斥责他是个叛徒。Union officials denounced the action as a breach of the agreement. 工会负责人谴责这一行动破坏了协议。He denounced all landlords and money-lenders as evil predators. 他痛斥所有地主和放债者都是罪恶的剥削者。

2024-10-14 10:48 回答问题

in some sense 和 in some senses 都可以说,但含义有区别:in some sense 的意思是“从某种意义上说”,其中的 some 后接单数名词,意思是“某一”“某种”。in some senses 的意思是“从某些意义上说”,其中的 some 后接复数名词,意思是“一些”“某些”。

2024-09-23 18:24 回答问题

我觉得你的句子是有所省略,即在 my new school is great 前省略了 I would say:Thanks for your email. To answer your question, my new school is great!=Thanks for your email. To answer your question, I would say my new school is great!句中的不定式 to answer 作状语。至于什么状语,作目的状语的话,语意不是很通顺;可分析为条件状语。

2024-09-11 23:31 回答问题

动态动词和静态动词的一个基本区别是:动态动词既可用于进行体,也可用于非进行体;而静态动词通常只能用于非进行体,而不能用于进行体。很显然,speak 可以用于进行时态和非进行时态,所以它是动态动词。

2024-09-11 23:19 回答问题

网友的句子没有问题,也符合语法,and so 可看作习语,表示结果,其实也可以省略 and,只用 so 表示结果:He had made enough money, and so he closed the business.He had made enough money, so he closed the business.他赚到足够的钱,所以他把商行关闭了。

2024-09-09 07:21 回答问题

A: I’ve just lost my job.B: It doesn’t matter.网友对话中的 it doesn’t matter 确实用得不妥。这完全是根据汉语字面意思来回答的。it doesn’t matter 的意思是“没关系”“不要紧”,但事实呢?别人失去了工作,你竟然说“不要紧”,但对对方来说,那可是“非常要紧的”事,你有没有一点同情心啊?又如下面一句也不宜用it doesn’t matter:A: I’ve failed my driving test.B: I’m sorry to hear that.

2024-08-28 21:35 回答问题

你的句子用 him, his 都可以,其区别是:用所有格比较正式,在口语或非正式文体用宾格比较普通。又如:I object to him / his smoking in restaurants. 我反对他在饭店里吸烟。I like him / his playing the guitar. 我喜欢他弹吉它。He insisted on my / me reading it. 他坚持要我读一读。Please forgive my / me breaking my promise. 请原谅我违背了诺言。I can’t fancy him / his doing such a thing. 我无法想像他会做那样的事。但在某些情况下,比如当动名词的逻辑主语不是指人时,通常不用所有格。如:The blockage in the pipe stopped the water getting through. 水管里的阻塞物使水流不过去。The government must stop public money going down the drain. 政府必须停止浪费国家资金。We’ll fight to prevent these houses being tom down. 我们要为阻止拆毁这些房屋而斗争。即使动名词的逻辑主语指人,也较少用所有格(尤其是当这个逻辑主语比较长时)。如:This will help stop people dying of AIDS. 这有助于使人们避免死于艾滋病。They did their best to prevent young children coming to any harm. 他们尽一切力量使小孩子不受到损害。