2025-03-06 18:10 回答问题
一般说来,在强调句 it is...that这类句式中,如果第二个分句的动词是现在时,那么第一个分句的动词 be 原则上也用现在时;如果第二个分句的动词是过去时,那么第一个分句的动词 be 原则上也用过去时:正:It is his wife that makes the decisions in his family.正:It was his wife that made the decisions in his family.如果被强调的人现在依然活着或被强调的事物对相关人依然历历在目,则第一个分句的动词也可以用现在时,所以下面的句子也是对的:正:It was his wife that made the decisions in his family.至于网友的第三个句子,个人理解应该不对:误:It was his wife that makes the decisions in his family.
2025-01-01 13:06 回答问题
这类用法最好用's所有格来表示所属关系:my sister's house 我姐姐(或妹妹)的房子my father's house 我父亲的房子
2025-01-01 13:02 回答问题
Close your mouth. 闭上嘴巴。(比如医生对病人说)Shut your mouth! 住嘴!(表示生气,与 Be quiet 同义)注意体会和比较下面的句子:I wish you’d close your mouth when you eat. 我希望你吃东西时别张着嘴。The doctor said,“You can close your mouth now.” 医生说:“你现在可以闭上嘴巴了。”Shut your mouth, you stupid fool! 住嘴,你这个傻瓜透顶的家伙!He told me to shut my mouth or there’d be trouble. 他叫我住嘴,否则就会有麻烦。
2024-12-26 21:11 回答问题
简单地处理,可以将 that which 视为一个固定搭配(比较正式或老式,在现代英语中比较少见),其义相当于 what:She has found that which he lost the other day. 他前天丢的东西她找到了。=She has found what he lost the other day. 他前天丢的东西她找到了。如果要作细致一点的分析,可以将 that 理解为“the+名词”,这个名词视具体语境(上下文)而定。比如网友的句子可以理解为:She has found that which he lost the other day. =She has found the thing(s) which he lost the other day.=She has found what he lost the other day.她找到了他几天前丢的东西。又如:The cake my mother makes is much better than that which you can buy at a store. =The cake my mother makes is much better than the cake which you can buy at a store. 我妈妈做的蛋糕比你在商店里买的蛋糕好多了。
2024-12-24 22:09 回答问题
close the door behind him 的字面意思确实是“关上他身后的门”,无论一个人通过门是“进来”还是“出去”,一旦他“进来”或“出去”后,门就在他身后了。所以将其翻译成“关上身后的门”也不算错,不过更多是将其翻译成“随手把门关上”“随手关上身后的门”。
2024-12-24 22:04 回答问题
1. the day before yesterday的意思是“前天”,指“昨天”前面一天的那个“前天”(相当于two days ago),它通常连用过去时态。如:I rang her the day before yesterday. 我前天给她打电话。They arrived the day before yesterday. 他们前天到的。It happened the day before yesterday. 这件事发生在前天。2. the day before 的意思是“前一天”“头一天”,通常不是指以“昨天”为标准的前面一天。如:They had made good preparations the day before. 头一天他们做了很好的准备。I told Mary her parcel had arrived the day before. 我告诉过玛丽,她的包裹前一天到了。On Tuesday morning we went on where we left off the day before. 星期二早上,我们接着头一天继续干。当句子中有 yesterday 时,有时可以将 the day before yesterday 省略成 the day before。如:I saw him yesterday—no, the day before. 我昨天看见他了——不,是前天。(before 后面省略了 yesterday)It was fine yesterday but it rained the day before. 昨天天晴,但前天下雨。(before 后面省略了 yesterday)另外注意,the day before 表示“前一天”,除了通常用于指过去,有时也可以不指过去。如:This dish can be prepared the day before. 这道菜可以在前一天就准备好。
2024-11-28 07:42 回答问题
for example放在所举的例子之前或之后都有可能。下面是一些相关的例句:1. 放在所举例子之前:Many animals,for example bats, hunt at nights. 很多动物,例如蝙蝠,在夜间觅食。Large animals, for example elephants, are expensive to feed. 大型动物,例如象,饲养起来很费钱。A lot of people here, for example John, prefer coffee. 这里许多人,譬如说约翰,都喜欢喝咖啡。Many elderly people injure themselves in their own homes, for example by slipping in the bath. 许多年长者都是在自己家里受伤的,比如在浴室里滑倒。We can use these forms to make an additional point, for example when developing an argument. 我们可以用这些形式来提出额外的观点,例如在进行论证时。There are many differences. For example, we use a lot more soy sauce. 有很多不同点。比如我们用的酱油多得多。The train I take is always late. For example, this morning it was half an hour late. 我乘的那辆火车总是晚点,例如今天早上,它又晚了半个小时。Sometimes you go to bed earlier than usual, for example when you are too tired. 有时你会比平时睡得早,比如当你过于疲倦的时候。You may have questions which you wish to raise. For instance, who will oversee your work and how will feedback be given? 你们可能有问题想要问,比如说,由谁监督你们的工作以及如何传达反馈意见呢?2. 放在所举例子之后:Wool, for example, has to be combed. 例如羊毛就得梳理。Entomology, for example, studies insects. 例如昆虫学是研究昆虫的。Butterflies, for example, go through a caterpillar stage. 例如蝴蝶就经过幼虫阶段。He wants an expensive car, a Mercedes, for example. 他想要一辆昂贵的汽车,比如说,一辆奔驰车。A lot of my friends were there—John and Linda, for example. 我的许多朋友都到了,比如约翰和琳达。I know many women who have a career and a family—Alison for example. 我知道有许多妇女能事业家庭兼顾——艾莉森就是其中之一。Many great men have risen from poverty—Lincoln and Edison, for example. 许多伟人由贫苦出身,例如林肯和爱迪生。But sometimes, in questions for example, the object is at the beginning of the sentence and the preposition is left at the end. 有时比如在问句中,宾语在句首,介词在句尾。The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example. 这份报告不完整,例如在法国的销售情况就没包括进去。Living in such a beautiful old castle is something of a mixed blessing. Just think of the heating bills, for example. 居住在这座美丽的古城堡中既有利,也有弊。比如,想想它昂贵的取暖费用吧。3. 用于take...for exampleTake my case for example. 以我的情况为例。Take my son’s education for example. 以我儿子的教育为例。Take last year's record high temperatures, for example. 以去年的高温纪录为例。Take me for example. I've never relied on other people for help. 就拿我来说,我从不依靠别人的帮助。There’s confusion and resentment, and it’s almost never expressed out in the open. Take this office, for example. 有人迷惘,有人憎恨,可是几乎谁也没有公开表达过。就拿这个办公室的人来说吧。It is possible to recover from some types of cancer. Take skin cancer, for example. 有些癌症是可以治愈的,比如皮肤癌。A lot of women manage to bring up families and go out to work at the same time—take Angela, for example. 很多女子既能料理家务同时又外出工作——譬如安杰拉就是个例子。
2024-11-24 13:19 回答问题
名词 dream 后面可以接 where 引导的定语从句,此时的 where 相当于 in which。如:He had a dream where / in which a lion was chasing him in the forest. 他做了一个梦,梦见在森林里有一只狮子追他。名词 dream 后面可以接 that 引导的同位语从句。如比如上面一句也可说成:He had a dream that a lion was chasing him in the forest.更多例句如:Paulhad a dream that he won the lottery. 保罗梦见自己彩票中了奖。I’ve had a dream that they’re going to kill you. 我梦见他们准备杀害你。I had a dream that I was in an old study, surrounded by leather books. 我梦见我在一间古老的书房里,四周全是皮装书。也就是说,网友的句子填 where 或 that 均可:填 where 是把 dream 当作一个抽象的地点看作,此时的 where=in which,引导定语从句;若填 that,则引导同位语从句,表示 dream 的具体内容。
2024-11-24 13:10 回答问题
only 在句中的位置比较复杂。简单地说,为避免误解,only 通常放在它所修饰的词语之前。但有时 only 也可放在它所修饰的词语之后,比如当它所修饰的词语位于句末时:The medicine is used only externally. 这种药只能外用。The medicine is used externally only. 这种药只能外用。Ice cream is on special only this week. 冰淇淋仅古本周内特价优惠。Ice cream is on special this week only. 冰淇淋仅古本周内特价优惠。另外,only位于句末的用法还经常出现在公告或标识语中:Ladies only. 只限女士。Admission by ticket only. 凭票入场。For external application only. 仅限外用。Admittance is by invitation only. 非请莫入。Parking is for customers only. 车位仅供顾客使用。This area is for pedestrians only. 此处只许步行。在英语口语中,人们通常把 only 词放在动词(实义动词)前面,通过重读 only 所修饰的词语来体现所要强调的含义:He had written only three books. 他只写了三本书。He had written three books only. 他只写了三本书。He had only written 'three books. 他只写了三本书。但是,在书面语中(无法通过重读来体现强调的情况下),如果没有明确的上下文语境暗示,直接将 only 放在动词前,则有可能产生歧义。比如 Swan 在其 PEU 中就认为下面一句是有歧义的:I only kissed your sister last night.
2024-10-23 22:36 回答问题
I wonder if he doesn't know the news.网友的句子没有问题。if(是否)引导宾语从句时,从句通常用肯定式,但有也可以用否定式。Swan 在 PEU 中认为从句中这个 not 是 extra 的,并认为下面两句“相等”:I wonder if we should ask the doctor to look at Mary. I wonder if we shouldn’t ask the doctor to look at Mary. 但也有人认为这类句子从句有没有not,在含义上有细微区别,以网友的例子为例:a. I wonder if he knows the news. 我想知道他是否知道这个消息。b. I wonder if he doesn't know the news. 我想知道他是否知道这个消息。虽然两句的翻译是一样的,但两者是有细微区别的:a 句的意思大家比较熟悉,指他可能知道这个消息,也可能不知道这个消息,但倾向于认为“他不知道这个消息”。而 b 句则暗示一定的肯定意味,即暗示他知道的可能性较大,也就是说倾向于认为“他知道这个消息(不会不知道)”。