1. That's because we've just circled back to where we were. 2a) He is around here somewhere. ✔2b) He is somewhere around here. ✔Both are correct!
回答于 1秒前
整句话完全正确。你断句有问题The puddle has gone + over all of us.has gone表示一个位移动作,over的宾语all of us, over在此意思为across(字典释义from one side of something to the other; across something)
回答于 1秒前
(2) Some of the students were late for the meeting, but I can’t remember _____.A. what B. whenC. which &nb...
回答于 1秒前
你看看如果是目的状语的话,逻辑主语对不对,更重要的是逻辑上对不对I have nothing to run my buniness,抛开have的动词属性不说,就在逻辑上这句话理解为目的状语也是行不通的“为了经营我的生意,我要一无所有”....这是什么意思???
回答于 1秒前
架子上的东西完全符合pitcher的定义,而且出题人也没有必要考察你对pitcher理解为一个标准圆柱体,还是有点变形的圆柱体。Choice A at least has a hint that someone is responsible for that display,因此如果架子旁边有个人在那,或许A也是正确选项。
回答于 1秒前
刘老分析正确,但对to the point的理解不对to the point where...到达什么的程度即这些博客作者多年发展后,达到有人愿意付款给他们来写文章的程度。即我们常见的一些大V在文章中植入广告。
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get stuck in to start doing something eagerly and with a lot of energy
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