这只是中文缺失的表现而已。no的使用,使得语气变得强烈,强到一定程度而中文无法表达时,中文就会换一个词翻译。以下都是自编句子,非权威来源。A: Is that man your friend, crying like a baby?B: No. He's no friend of mine.他不是我朋友(语气比较强,但无法译为“敌人”) They have killed our...
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在口语中,这个and是可以不说的,因为说话人的语言节奏会产生and所需要的效果。promise的同位语是he'll bring it right backThere's a vague promise in the background that he once delivered a roaring economy and he'll bring it right back.
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要么口吃(当然不是),要么就是修辞效果或比较流行的用法而已。属于个例,不能推广到其它形容词。简单了解,我也是查了才知,简单知道就不深入研究。I'm here working forty hours a week, trying to live on the bare, bare, bare minimum. 我再加10个bare也是对的。
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这里有两层1, data about how much ice it contains2, data about other treasures it contains因此how much仅仅修饰了ice
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1)如果断句为N个学生中的一个,则选have written2)如果断句为正是那个学生,则选has written因此这题目本身就有歧义。
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1)Much as I would like to, I can't lend him the money. 注意,I would like已由虚拟语气演化为一种礼貌的表达,这句话是说现在我虽很想帮他,但不能借给他钱。过一个月,再回忆这件事,再表达,就变成了2)Much as I would have liked to, I couldn't lend him the money.
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1.I'm exhausted. I've been working all day, but I'm finished now.I'm exhausted. I've worked all day, but I'm finished now.实际并没有硬性的规定,“不久前完成”中的“不久”到底是“多久”,没有规定。所以尺度全在作者手上。而你说的10点收工,11点还是累得要死,时间跨度不算大,用现在完成时...
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