选A。A. If obesity wasn't so costly,this scheme might never have been proposed.意思是:如果肥胖问题带来的成本不是如此高昂,那么可能这项计划不会被提出来。我们可以清晰地看到,由于肥胖带来的高昂的社会成本,致有人已经提出了一项针对性的计划方案。B. If obesity wasn't so costly,this scheme might...
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择比,加名词使用,其结构为more of a(an) 名词 than a(an) 名词He is more an artist than a philosopher.这个原句少了of,应该为He is more of an artist than a philosopher.有时我看到外文里也有不用of的,但大多情况下,会有of
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我认为作为专用名词,宜将efficiency-first改为首字母大写的Efficiency First,其它都正确。如Efficiency First is a high-level principle that recognizes the central role that cost-effective energy savings can play in meeting European energy, climate, and economic goals.
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不定式作独立结构,罕见!我们学英语最害怕的就是拿国人自己编的句子来“认真学习”,这些句子在我们看上去天衣无缝,但其实都是顺着中国人的思维来的,在英美人士看来,古怪不已。1. 第一句语法是对的,但外国人不这样说话的。改为Honesty is important in friendship.2. 第二句也是中国人自己编的,既不像独立结构,又不像...
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错的地方是water前面应该有the即:the water that seemed to be hidden by mountains.that从句修饰water, 那片似乎是被大山遮挡的水域
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我个人觉得这句话有些小问题,我个人倾向修改为:But it also means you get less time to be playful, or to figure stuff out in a way that more time might allow you otherwise.1. 补上or;2. in the way 改为 in a way。Otherwise比较简单了,它作副词时,指in another way/in a different way,作副词时,位置也就很...
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回应:teacherliu布兰伯格的办法现在干啥都不好用,只能切成铁路上出售的三明治了。这句中文有问题。办法切成三明治?“办法”是什么物质?开个玩笑,不能怪teacherliu,因为问题没有上下文,给的信息实在太有限了。Blumberger's plan不是指此人的办法/计划,而是指“图纸”,它的“plan图纸”因为文中提到的“butter黄油”的问...
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你断句断错了应该是It is unclear to which other species it is closely related.It is unclear which other species it is closely related to.
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