我想了半天,能用上定语从句的,好像只能是这样的结构I am very pleased with the result that has been achieved.你的分析是对的,这本语法书的作者可能是一时开小差了,否则这么简单的东西不会出错的。
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I ate it as much as you did. 程度/量 一样(比如,都吃了一大碗)I ate it the same as you did. 方式一样(比如,都是用手抓的)--回到问题第一句:suffer是“程度一样”还是“方式一样”,看整句意思是“程度一样”第二句(句子很别扭):belongs to是“程度一样”,各行各业所用语言的方式肯定不一样,但所需“程度”一样/类似。...
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纯粹的瞬间动词很少很少的。比如open,一些语法书说这是瞬间动词,但你完全可以持续30分钟在open a door,没问题。连open都算不上严格的瞬间动词范畴,apply又怎么能呢?问题出在three times上,去掉了,勉强可以 He applied until he was finally admitted to the university. (最好前面加上Each time there was a c...
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past包括现在,记忆为“现在放p”last不包括现在,只是接近现在。故:the events of the past year指今年/今年+去年(从今天算,回推365天)the events of the last year 指去年
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1) I would be flattered if ...2)或直接I'd like to apply for the Ph.D program at your group. (continue my studies这里可以删,没必要这么废话) 3)或者就按你那种很谦卑的口吻I humbly ask for your consideration for my appllication for the Ph.D program at your group.
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Opinions are what people think or feel [about something] as opposed to factual information.
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for you/to you 基本用于状语功能,没必要过分解读为定语功能了,故1-4句都是状语。6-7句都是名词及相应搭配的介词,这类介词短语后置作定语。investigation intoimpact onescape from...from短语可修饰escape,但如果改为to,就是状语了。
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