
性别: 注册于 2019-07-04

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主页被访问 1929 次


2020-02-04 17:02 回答被采纳

2019-10-24 20:58 回答问题

我说一下我的看法,供网友参考:不考虑背景,只从语法分析 rejoicing in the love she has found with Antonio置于句尾, 分析时会出现两种可能:1. 如果rejoicing的逻辑主语是queen,rejoicing in the love she has found with Antonio相当于一个非限制性定语从句;此时Garbo是演员,queen和Antonio是剧中角色。2. 如果 rejoicing的逻辑主语是Garbo,rejoicing in the love she has found with Antonio宜分析为伴随状语;此时Garbo是演员,queen是角色,Antonio可能是Garbo喜欢的另一个演员。上面两种可能,曹老师和黄老师都涉及到了。 如果网友的句子来自阅读理解,看看上下文,不难判断哪一种解释合理。 当然,如果网友多少了解《瑞典女王》或者葛丽泰·嘉宝(Greta Garbo)其人及作品,也会做出合理的判断。

2019-10-23 15:07 回答问题


2019-10-17 22:22 回答问题

这是老外的回答 http://forum.wordreference.com/posts/18465429/

2019-10-17 10:57 回答问题


2019-10-16 22:00 回答问题

发现个类似例句Collins Cobuild 英語語法大全(全新版) 作者:Cobuild編輯部

2019-10-16 12:41 回答被采纳

2019-10-16 12:34 回答被采纳

2019-10-14 07:22 发起提问

2019-10-12 22:15 回答问题

网友好,这个问题网上有讨论。我粘贴一个回答过来供参考。更多见:https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/20131/what-does-this-mean-going-to-be-something-doing-in-the-humidity-line-to-nigh?rq=1 下面内容,版权归StoneyB 先生。                                               This is a jocular statement in early 20th-century US colloquial diction.1.      The subject has been omitted; this is a matter of conversational deletion.The omitted subject is the dummy or existential there, so the matrix clause is ‘There is going to be something doing.’2.      There is something doing ... This is a stock phrase meaning approximately Something is happening or There will be activity or (in 1960s slang) Something is going down.3.      In the X line ... Originally line in uses of this sort meant the ‘right line’ to be followed in any activity, but by the late 18th century the sense was extended to the line of business or occupation in which one engages, or the line of merchandise sold by a particular salesman, and was eventually extended in jocular use to what you observe here: a deliberately ponderous way of saying having to do with X.So what we have isThere is going to be considerable activity having to do with humidity tonight.In other words, “The weather is going to be very humid tonight.”