你的答案已经有了,自然不必再到这里自寻烦恼。你可能不知道WR这个英文网站的具体运作情况,它的语言(English only版的)版主至少有40多个,而且还不定期的指派临时版主。这些人分布地球各个时区,确保地球上任何地方的人一天24小时都可以及时得到回答;WR上除了语言教师类的,你还可能会碰到诸如物理学家、天文学家、气象...
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One of the first and most noticeable mistakes is simply how we greet people. Westerners are taught to use a firm, assertive, handshake, look someone directly in the eye, offer a business card with one hand, and with minimal social exchange get directly to the business at hand.1....
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We should take the difference between English and Chinese into full consideration, where Chinese is connotative and English is straightforward. 老师这是我自己写的句子,我想问where修饰difference对不对?你只要做几个选择题就知道你对与不对了:...the difference _____ Chinese is connotative and E...
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What kind of people would we be if we did not want to remember the holocaust? 这是虚拟语气的句子,讲一种理论上的情况。假如我们不想去记住大屠杀,我们会是什么样的人?(含义是,假如有这种人,肯定会受道德谴责:怎么会有这种人)What kind of people are we, especially those who face such horrors fi...
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B或D都是对的B是直接说脑子那器官,但问题是它可以引发比喻说法D是直接说智力。take much brain to ...had a good brain need brains以上3个片段来自牛津8版p233用单数或复数,应该是一个个人偏好问题。比如这个选项B,有人会说指脑器官,那就是废话但反过来,正因为是废话,所以它自然就是比喻说法而不是指实物。
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作为一个资深的汉语使用者,从汉语的角度,我会选 A/B显然从有限的语境可以得出,对话最可能发生在观看电视时。那么看电视就有1. 实况直播;2. 实况重播不管哪种播,第一句话都不是自然的话,无论中文还是英文, 因为太拖拉。---- 哇擦,(这阅兵式/国庆游行/或...)真雄壮啊---- 是啊,要是在现场就更爽了。上一句,用现在...
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这次你调整了答案,难怪上次看到你问题,我觉得怪怪的,因而也没直接说哪题最后该选什么。这次不妨对你调整后的答案再谈谈看法:Given the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that such students often have little good to say about their school experience. ...
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I was amazed at the calm way in which he rippled on. "Surely there is not a moment to be lost," I cried, "shall I go and order you a cab?""I'm not sure about whether I shall go. I am the most incurably lazy devil that ever stood in shoe leather--that is, when the fit is...
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What it [1] does mean is that the book business will go through a transformation in the next decade or so more profound than any it[2] has seen since Gutenberg introduced printing from moveable type in the 1450s. 1. it 指上文所述之事2. it 指the book business,前面省略了关系代词 that## any...
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我说团长同志你是否可以给自己减点负?: D所谓从核心分析,无非是想对这两个词组理解更透彻一下,或者是想对那2个介词了解更透彻一些。实际上,语言因时因地而变,没有那种一抓住7寸,就一通百通的东西。由此,你的提问,要确定的回答,是去查词典、去谷歌、去语料库,去看老外的使用等,去看如何把这两个词组造出natural\...
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