做这种题,概括一下每段大意比较重要本篇关键的字眼是Welsh identity,而实际最重要的字是devolution没抓住这点,基本不会读出什么名堂,下面我给你配发了每段的主旨含义,具体你自己再快速阅读:The Welsh language has always been the ultimate marker of Welsh identity, but a generation ago it looked as if Welsh w...
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We had to trudge up the track back to the station.这句里的up, 与along\through\down\back等一样,属于或表示“方向”、或表示“强调”之类的用法。其实是副词。不是up/down之后的名词都是宾语,很可能是状语。比如我们说“鬼叫”,这里的“鬼”,就是名词做状语。同样,go two blocks, 这里的two blocks也是名词...
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我觉得这就是“ ’”(一撇)的事情:1. three hours of waiting2. three hours’waiting3. three hours waiting1-2 比较通俗,3是文学的用法A quiet day's fishing,or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again,is usually as far as they get.= A quiet day's fishing, or eight...
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I fully concur with you.I'd color the test maker provincial.Both live and live in work here, whether 'live' itself means enjoying one's life or occupying a space.
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Anyone who has handled a fossilized bone knows that it is usually not exactly like its modern counterpart, the most obvious difference being that it is often much heavier. = Anyone who has handled a fossilized bone knows that it is usually not exactly like its modern counterpart, and ...
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你这个没有主句不好说he lived in New York, 肯定是指下图的AB段而 since he lived in New York 一般是指下图的AB (的任一点) ---- > C段 (更多时候,AB被简单看成一个点)--------A----------B---------现在C------------------------>
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水平一般的,可以看看《英语常见问题解答大辞典》so/so that相关词条英语水平还算过得去,脑子比较灵光,想知道英语是咋回事的,可以看看https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/so-that-purpose-so-that-consequence.858189/ (可惜这个站的很多人估计看不懂)刘毅的关于(may、 might)的说法,莫名其妙。<----...
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leave: cause or allow (sb/sth) to remain in a certain condition, place, etc 使或让(某人[某事物])处某状态﹑ 某地等: Leave the door open, please. 让门开着吧. Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain. 别让她在外边雨中等着. // To cause or permit to be or remain at...
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(1)既然是事实了否定句为什么会有将来时态?(2)为什么陈述句里没有将来时态?主要是时态变化会导致语义的变化并非你所讲的没有相应的时态变化1)关于不及物动词这方面的用法,非常有趣:The cloth washes well. 布不是自己洗,是人洗,这没问题The flower sells well. 花不是自己卖,是人卖,这也没问题The paper write...
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