2天前 回答问题
原句没有错,这里的复数名词是被作为一个整体看待(不定冠词的这类用法尤其见于表示时间或金额的短语前面)。如以下例句均摘自英语词典: It’s a full four miles to the station. 到车站有4 英里。She’s been writing the book for a full ten years. 这本书她已经写了整整10 年。Annette stood for a full five minutes, lost in thought. 安尼特站了足足五分钟陷人沉思。又如下面的例子,摘自《葛传椝英语惯用法词典》:a further five minutesa mere two hoursa very busy six weeksa whole three yearsa pleasant spring holidaysan additional ¥60
2天前 回答问题
你的两个句子,第一句是对的,第二句不对: 正:Many employers seek diversity in their staffs. 误:The manager sent an email to all staffs. staff 表示“全体人员”,是集合名词,a staff 不是指“一个人员”,而是指某一个单位的“全体人员”;two staffs不是指“两个人员”,而是指某两个单位的“全体人员”。 1. Many employers seek diversity in their staffs.本句之所以对,是因为句中的staffs 是指不同雇主的“员工”,Many employers 是指多个雇主,所以其针其对应的员工也应该是多个,故用复数形式的 staffs。 2. The manager sent an email to all staffs.本句之所以不对,因为常识上看,一个经理,他不可能给“所有公司的员工”去发邮件。 顺便说一句,要表示“一个职员”“一个工作人员”,可说成a staff member或one of the staff;用作主语时,其谓语动词可用单数(视为整体)或复数(考虑其个体): On every trip a staff member brings musical instruments. 每一次旅行时,一个工作人员都会携带乐器。 The school’s teaching staff is [are] excellent. 学校师资很不错。
3天前 回答问题
你可以把 more so than 看作是固定搭配,也可以不看作固定搭配,因为其实它也可以作进一步分析:so 是替代前面出现过的形容词或类似形容词的词。2020全国卷1中的这个 so 用于替代前文的of particular interest,即:The far side of the moon is of particular interest to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters (环形山), more of particular interest than the familiar near side. 又如:She feels relaxed here, even more so than at home. 她在这里感到很放松,比在家还要放松。He’s quite bright—well, certainly more so than his brother. 他很聪明——嗯,比他弟弟还要聪明。Of all the careless people no one is more so than Bill. 在所有粗心的人当中,没有一个比比尔更粗心的了。The choir sang sweetly, and none more so than the Welsh boy. 唱诗班唱得很悦耳,尤其是没人比得上那个威尔士男孩儿。再如下面的句子也属于类似情况,so 代替的是前面提到的情况:Many people are concerned about education, but nowhere more so than in France. 很多人都关心教育,但没有任何一个地方比法国更甚。There has always been an interest in genetic cloning, but never more so than in recent years. 基因克隆向来引人关注,近年来更是如此。
6天前 回答问题
look past 表示“不关注”“不注意”“忽视”。句子大意:Customers today look past the fact that something is secondhand and focus instead on the fact that they have something unique to wear and are not overstuffing their own wardrobes(衣柜) or contributing to landfill.如今的顾客不再在意东西不是是二手货,而是关注自己穿的衣服是否有个性——他们不会把自己的衣柜塞得满满的,也不会给垃圾填埋场添乱。附注:look past 的基本义为“目光扫过”,可引申指“跳过”“不关注”“无视”“不注意”“不在意”等。如:He looked past me with no sign of recognition. 他的目光从我脸上扫过,好像完全没有认出我。He looked past me to the next customer. 他跳过我去招待下一位顾客。Burke's article was a cheap shot (= unkind criticism) at teenagers that did nothing to look past stereotypes. 伯克的文章是对无视传统观念的青少年的无情抨击。(摘自《朗文词典》)
2025-03-09 13:29 回答问题
是的,句中的 who is more frightened 通常被分析为宾语从句。I'm not sure who is more frightened.= I don't know for sure who is more frightened.相关依据如下:
2025-03-05 08:10 回答问题
是的,网友的句子确实欠妥,英语通常不以间接宾语作为强调的强调成分,遇此情况通常是要把间接宾语前补上合适的介词(to或for):欠妥:It’s her girlfriend that he lent his money.通常:It’s to her girlfriend that he lent his money.如果不在间接宾语前添加介词,在原句末尾添加介词也可以:通常:It’s her girlfriend that he lent his money to.
2025-02-11 23:34 回答问题
你的句子应用复动词 live。What friends she has live abroad.=The (few) friends she has live abroad.what后面接的是单数名词,则用单词动词。如:What money he has is yours.=The (little) money he has is yours.
2025-02-02 16:08 回答问题
one of后面可以接单数集合名词吗?回答是肯定的。比较:one of the family 家庭成员中的一个成员one of the families 多个家庭中的一个家庭例句:She treats me like one of the family. 她把我当作家人对待。One of the families has moved away. 其中有一家人搬走了。
2025-02-02 16:02 回答问题
will 涉及行动,want 涉及想法:I will do it. 我会做这件事。I want to do it. 我想做这件事。
2025-02-02 09:58 回答问题
同意好题老师的解答。夸克等人称这类句子为“不规则的句子(Irregular sentences)”,引用夸克《英语语法大全》的相关说明(Abbreviated sentences in instructional writing)供参考: