从词法角度来说,这个名词短语better cranes and concrete有2中解释(所以是有二义性ambiguous):1. better [cranes] and [concrete]2. [better cranes] and [concrete]具体哪一种是更加合适是由句子的上下文所决定的,也就是由语义来决定的。结合语境,我更倾向于1的这种解读:更好的起重机和更好的混凝土。另外需要说明...
回答于 2022-06-04 22:45
[1] Five hundred kilometres over Europe, Ship OM-45 moved north.= [1a] Being five hundred kilometres over Europe, Ship OM-45 moved north.[1]和[1a]在语义上是相同的,在句法上不同:[1]是无动词分句(verbless clause);[1a]是非限定性分句(nonfinite clause)。是的,over是介词;无动词分句和非限定性分句都是作状...
回答于 2022-06-04 21:51
在in between中,in是介词,between是副词。介词必须跟补充成分(complement)。类似的还有away from, out of等。
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《夸克大全》 P1396 18.38 Objects and paraphrases Note [a]:Where both O(d) and O(i) are pronoun, it would be usual to replace the latter by a to-phrase:She GAVE it to him.She gave it to HIM.Alternatively, we could have:She GAVE him it.She GAVE it him.She gave it HIMbut not:*She gave HIM it.*She...
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