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2022-06-03 16:59 回答问题

No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail.这句话要求这种生物,同时褒贬都更多。No creature has received more praise or abuse than the common garden snail.这句话只要求这种生物,某一方面比蜗牛更多。  两种结构意思不同。原文和题目都没错。

2022-04-24 23:03 回答问题

在带有否定意义的动词或动词词组后面,也是加重其否定力度。【例如】They all deniedever having seen her. 他们全都否认见过她。What a shifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer. 他这个人争辩起来真是滑头,总是不肯直截了当回答问题。Many financial planners now recommend againstever paying off your home loan. 现在很多财务计划 Those individuals refuse to accept that just good enough is ever good enough.ever修饰动词,去掉后意思基本不变:那些人拒绝接受“大体可以就是足够好”。

2022-04-10 17:18 回答问题


2022-04-08 18:48 回答问题

What we are beginning to see is that that homicide increase that began last year, it has not disappeared.虽然问题是关于这三个that,但从提问来看,我觉得你能理解他们的含义,之所以有点自我怀疑,是因为不了解左偏置结构:that homicide increase that began last year, it has not disappeared.=that homicide increase that began last year has not disappeared.句子中的一个名词短语,有可能会被提到句子结构之外,而在原位留下一个代词和这个名词短语互指。名词短语提到句首的,因为处于主句的左边,所以叫做左偏置结构left dislocation。 相应的也有右偏置结构right dislocation。下面简单分析一下这个:句子的意思是:我们一开始看到的是,去年开始的凶案增加的趋势还没有消失。that that homicide increase that began last year,第1个that是连词,第2个是指示代词(限定词)那个,第3个是关系代词。 Work is where people learn to manage social interactions, not define them out of existence.这个句子not并列了两个谓语部分:Work is where people (learn to manage social interactions, not define them out of existence).这属于一种无连词并列。比如,He is your friend, not your slave.这种并列是不是分句层面上的,而是次分句级别(subclausal),不需要补全。

2022-04-07 11:17 回答问题

我估计疑惑的原因来自于没看出省略和不熟悉nowhere:I finished the race, but ( I finished the race) in nowhere near the time I could have (finished the race) if I'd paced myself well from the beginning.字面意思是:我跑完了,但我跑完的用时与,如果我一开始调整好配速可达到的时间,相距甚远。 黑体字这一部分nowhere near the time I could have (finished the race) if I'd paced myself well from the beginning,整体看作名词短语。请体会如下变化:I finished the race, but in an hour.I finished the race, but not in the time I could have if I pased myself well from the beginning.I finished the race, but not in somewhere near the time I could have if I pased myself well from the beginning.I finished the race, but in nowhere near the time I could have if I pased myself well from the beginning. 新牛津:nowhere near: Not nearly:远远不he’s nowhere near as popular as he used to be他远不像以前那样受欢迎了。

2022-03-26 13:09 回答问题


2022-03-21 10:06 发起提问

2022-03-19 10:08 回答问题

同意。这个句子最正常的理解就是对应have something to drink:What does Jim have to drink? 正常的理解是,Jim 有什么喝的?除非有语境支持,比如他被胁迫了,或者是贝爷的荒岛求生,没有正常的水源,才可以理解出存在情态动词have to:he has to drink something。

2022-03-17 17:01 回答问题

He grasped the bottle at the top near the lip.剑桥语法认为:At the Top near the lip.构成一个整体,其中near the lip修饰at the Top。注意这里修饰的是这个介词短语at the Top整体。你可以这样理解, At the Top在上部,是一个比较大的范围,而near the lip在瓶口边缘,进一步缩小了这个范围,所以是修饰前面的介词短语。而Top本身是确定的,不需要被修饰。你这个句子类似于最后一句:

2022-03-17 16:52 回答问题

Curbs on business-method claim would be a dramatic about-face because eitwas the Federal Circu itself that introduced such patent with its 1998 decision in the so- called State Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. Approving引导的分词分句作非限制性修饰语,修饰decision: decision in the so- called State Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. =decision in the so- called State Street Bank case, which approved a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. 再比如: The apple tree, swaying gently in the breeze, was a reminder of old times. ["which was swaying gently in thebreezwe] ·