一、摘自 Practical English Usage,这本书是我唯一看到有特别说明名词只能接though(不能接as),且例句不带冠词(a/an)255 as and though: special word orderadjective/adverb/noun + as + clauseAs and though can be used in a special structure after an adjective, adverb ornoun....
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刚好看到这个语法点,代词it的用法。书中讲解如下:We use it in sentences like this: It's dangerous to walk in the road. (It = to walk in the road)It's unusual to say 'To walk in the road is dangerous.' Normally we begin with it... .(出自《剑桥中级英语语...
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不懂语法理论的英专学渣插个楼~有时候觉得这不是一个语法问题,而是思维方式问题。每次看到那些中文语法书,我都会情不自禁地想到黄仁宇先生书里说的“间架性设计”的political system。可能是national characteristic,凡事总要搞个模子出来,事情变化了,套不上模子了,那就必然是变化错了,绝不可能是模子有问题。← 削足适...
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Reductions in craniofacial robusticity are consistent with reductions in tooth wear in the shift to softer diets, both in Old World settings and in New World settings.倒装。
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