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4天前 回答问题

牛津:in connection with。

5天前 回答问题

one moment at a time是对不定式短语的补充,剑桥语法会分析为补充语,所以用逗号分隔。补充说明改变你心态的方式:一次改变一个要素。

2025-02-21 18:04 回答问题

我给你一段deepseek的回答作为解答:Parenthetical adverbials are adverbs or adverbial phrases that provide additional information or commentary within a sentence. They are often set off by commas, dashes, or parentheses, and can be removed without affecting the grammatical structure of the sentence. Here are some examples:1 However, the project was completed on time.Here, "however" is a parenthetical adverbial that adds contrast to the sentence.2 The meeting, unfortunately, was canceled."Unfortunately" provides a comment on the situation.3 She decided to go to the party—surprisingly—despite her busy schedule."Surprisingly" adds a note of unexpectedness.4 The results, in my opinion, were quite impressive."In my opinion" offers a personal perspective.5 He was, without a doubt, the best candidate for the job."Without a doubt" emphasizes certainty.6 The weather, as expected, turned out to be perfect for the picnic."As expected" provides a contextual comment.In each case, the parenthetical adverbial can be removed, and the sentence would still be grammatically complete, though the additional nuance or commentary would be lost.

2025-02-19 18:23 回答问题

1. He went to work sick, and despite nasty weather.sick和despite介词短语由and并列,并列连词并列相等的句子成分,所以很显然sick和介词短语都是状语,形容词sick作伴随状语,介词短语为让步状语。2. He couldn’t stand unaided on the soft sand.unaided...为形容词短语作伴随状语。stand在此为站立的意思,形容词作状语表示站立时的状态。形容词作状语,表示谓语动作发生时主语所处的状语,为伴随状语,不是方式状语。

2025-02-18 22:02 回答问题

不可以省略by which,但可以省略which,同时把介词by置于不定式末尾。即a proper standard by which to judge people(正式书面语体)=a proper standard to judge people by。二者分别对应的是二个定语从句 a proper standard by which we are to judge people (介词+which置于定语从句之首为正式语体); a proper standard we are to judge people by(省略作介词宾语的关系代词that为非正式语体) 。

2025-02-17 19:41 回答问题

1) The performance having ended, we decided to go home.独立主格结构作状语,相对于谓语主谓结构而言表达的是相对次要的信息,即说话人在突出谓语动词表示的动作。这种结构多见于文学作品,一般口语和日常英语使用相对较少。2) The performance had ended, and we decided to go home.并列句的二个分句表达的信息价值相等,即说话人同时强调二个信息。3) After the performance had ended, we decided to go home.状语从句是修饰主句的,主句是主要信息,从句是相对次要的信息。after从句的过去完成时通常用一般过去时代替,二者意思基本没有区别。4) After the performance ended, we decided to go home.  状语从句是修饰主句的,主句是主要信息,从句是相对次要的信息。after从句的过去完成时通常用一般过去时代替,二者意思基本没有区别。

2025-02-15 11:03 回答问题

1 surround可以是静态动词,也可以是动态动词。用作动态动词时,其意义为:to move into position all around somebody/something, especially so as to prevent them from escaping。即表示动作的发生,该动作导致了A和B处于包围和被包围这样的结果状态。既然是动作,当然就有施动者了。例如:Police surrounded the building. 作为静态动词时,其意义为to be all around something/somebody。即表示A和B之间的相对位置关系,此时动词的语义并不包含这种位置的改变,而只是表示这种位置关系的存在。无论用主动语态A surround B,还是被动语态 B is surrounded by A. 都不涉及动作,因而不存在施动者。用主动语态还是被动语态,纯粹是由句子的主题(theme)决定的。例如: Tall trees surround the lake. 句子的主题是tall trees。The garden is surrounded by a wall. 句子的主题是the garden。2 终结动词的动作结束会导致状态的改变。这类动词的be +过去分词除了可能是被动语态表示动作本身的发生外,还可能是系表结构,表示动作结束后的结果状态。此时过去分词后的介词用by或with可能有细微的差别。Much of the country is covered by forest. 静态动词的被动语态表示状态的存在。 (Forest covers much of the country.)The table is covered with white cloth.  终结动词的过去分词作表语,系表结构表示现在的状态。(He covered the table with white cloth.)The lake is surrounded by tall trees. 静态动词被动语态表示状态。(Tall trees surround the lake.)The lake is now surrounded with trees. 终结动词的过去分词作表语,系表结构表示状态。(The workers surrounded  the lake with trees ten years ago.)有时作表语的过去分词后接二个或三个介词表示几乎相同的意义,这是习惯用法使然,不必过于细分。知道这种用法即可,无需钻牛角尖。以上为个人体会,仅供参考。

2025-02-15 09:09 回答问题

1) Have you finished your homework yet?yet作为非肯定词,通常用在否定句或疑问句中,询问听话人是否已经做了某事。说话人对听话人会做出肯定还是否定的回答并没有任何期待。2) Have you finished your homework already?Already通常用于肯定句,表示已经做了某事。如果在疑问句中用Already,通常要么表示说话人对听话人已经做了某事表示惊讶或怀疑。要么说话人期待听话人做出肯定的回答。

2025-02-05 23:35 回答问题

用finishing作状语,意味着吃完最后一口饭和讨论的动作是紧密衔接的二个动作。这不大符合实际情况。如果用after介词短语,则finishing是多余的,直接说after lunch即可。所以应该选having finished lunch, 即吃完饭与讨论之间有一定的时间间隔。

2025-02-04 09:07 回答问题

like后省略了复合宾语。即...than American politicians of all stripes would like (it to be). it指代China's help with fighting drugs,to be的表语为比较对应项。