English Expert的回答:Mainframe computers were very large indeed,often occupying whole air-conditioned rooms,employing full-time technicians and run on specially-written software.这题如何理解.动名词和动词不定式都具有名词特性,因此作主语时,频度副词位置也遵循以上规则。以上句子中属于非正式文体中...
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给English Expert 提个建议:不要重复解答。既然Webster老师已经解答了,你的解答又没有新的内容,就不要再回答了。我看到有些老师给你提了一些好的建议,希望你注意改正。谢谢!
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你的问题实际是翻译问题,不同的译者会有不同的译文。英语里,当然可以说a pair of eyes, 多用于表示强调。但本句作者没有使用a pair of, 一是没有必要,第二也是为了和rosy cheeks 保持一种相同的节奏感。
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Yes, you can use the word "finish" to replace “complete”. For example, When the bridge to the Hoekse Waard was finished in 1964, people could drive from Zeeland to South-Holland by car. However, to my mind, the word complete sounds more...
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我看网友的句子就是个祈使句,careful 后省略了介词 about/with/of 等,这种省略多见于口语。what to do 应该是介词宾语。下面几句均出自英语媒体:Want to Get Rid of Obamacare? Be Careful What You Wish ForA Warning for Leaders: Be Careful About What You Do in SecretBe Careful with Wha...
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